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Reviews for "Rocket Toilet"

not bad

Could have been better in places but altogether very playable, kept me entertained for 15 minutes anyway so what more can you ask for.

lol at silenttorture for thinking you just whipped this up in a couple of hours, I've worked on making a few games before and realise how tedious it can be at times.

pretty good

I actually liked the toilet paper, but it was a bit of a slap in the face that that was it. If you had given us even a short like 5 second video of him triumphantly wiping with it or something I would have been happy, but all it did was unlock something you couldn't even use - which was kind of crappy.

Toilet paper?

I'll fucking kill you!

Sweet game

I sometimes got really dissapointed because I had a really bad shot, but who cares??? I don't even know why I'm writing this...

Needs work. Lots of it.

2/5 4/10

There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in this game, to set it apart from the other types of games like this. Also, there is a fairly large number of flaws that need fixing/ changing in the game.

The guy on a toilet routine is pretty standard, I've seen it before, and i'm going to see it again, the obstacles and boosts are also unoriginal (this game actually reminds me a lot of 'toss the turtle'). The gameplay is, standard at best, due mainly to the lack of originality, and monnotonous gameplay. Pretty average stuff bro.

While i played, i noticed 3 or 4 flaws that could use fixing.
First: the obstacles/powerups. The air is THICK with them. When it gets to the point where you can't fly 100 feet without hitting a powerup or an obstacle, then it's time to remove some stuff.

Second: The obstacles were fairly frustrating. They completely impeded my forward motion, to the point where the didn't challenge me, but frustrated me (i know that is the point of obstacles is to slow you down, but on my fifth or sixth launch, i only moved about 1000 feet because of all the obstacles. And that was WITH the flower spray accelerator. I must have hit like 15 obstacles or something).

Third: The dog obstacle... you kinda messed him up. Although its not something that's easy to notice when your zooming along, it becomes pretty obvious when you happen to stop next to him. He has dark brown fur, and a dark patch on his back, as well as a STRIPE of light tan fur, and really light tan head. It doesn't look natural...at all. I'd reccomend fixing it. (maybe just darken the stripe and his head).

Finally: (WARNING:SPOILER) The toilet paper. I don't know what you were trying to accomplish with that sad joke, but all you managed to do was piss me off. If the BIG SECRET had been something more... inspiring, interesting or AT LEAST well drawn, it may have been more worth my time. Next time try making the big secret something more interesting, or at least worth the 10 minutes it takes to get there.

As i said, it needs A LOT of work. To be honest, it felt like a lame imitation of so many other better games, mainly because i felt that this game was something you just threw together in a couple hours.

If your going to go through the trouble of making the game, you may as well spend an extra hour or two making the game better. If there hadn't been so many flaws, i probably would have given this game a 6 or 7.