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Reviews for "The Snow Runs Red"


good times. hard without a mouse though

Super Smash TV Holiday Edition?

Cause that's what it reminds me of.

Its a good game for retro gamers. I have a good understanding of the layout and play style. Its pretty well made but kinda turned into a defense game with just 1 map and no bosses, sort of an eye killer too mixing bright red and white. There's no real replay value either being its just in 1 area for 25 level if you aren't the type of person to go for "the best score"

My other thoughts on this game are more positive. The graphics are really good, Sound effects are really retro-like. Over-all its a good game. Some of the weapons were really similar to the game, Super Smash TV. Like the grenade launcher, the rockets, the double shot, the scatter gun, and non-usable but exsisted in the game, mines.

A few enemies has likeliness too. The kids on the tubes were like those spinning laser things on level 2 of Smash TV, only without the lasers. The one i didn't think would show up but was the last of the kids is the Fat Kid who ate till he exploded, hes very similar to Mr. Shrapnel of Smash TV. All the rest of the kids were similar to the common enemies with Nail Bats.

To Creator and Crew:

I have a suggestion/request since its related to retro gaming, and if by chance this review is read. I had in mind a game that could be good for a Halloween submission in the near future. A game that's similar to Zombies Ate My Neighbors.


good but...

i found the mouse aim and click system clunky. maybe an option for changing it to aim & walk with the arrow keys and fire with spare or cklick or something?

Fun, but flawed

Using an 8-directional axis doesn't work well on a 3D landscape like this. It would have been better if the bullets were aimed where the mouse was, instead of the general direction.

Other than that, the music was nice and the sprites were great. Good job


... but no real point to play more than a few levels after maxing out.

it's literally impossible to die at that point... or gets too repetitive by the time you can.

please make another, but add bosses or something. a level progress bar would make us who are getting bored at least play longer (cuz we can see how much more we have to go).