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Reviews for "Spirit Stars - "Darn Dog""

Superb animation...

But the characters are very uninteresting. You got the crybaby, the up tight goth, the black chick with an attitude and the red head with the annoying voice. There was nothing significantly unique about the cast.

But that's probably my only real gripe. The animation was exceptionally good, and the story was simple, but funny. Work on the character development and I look forward to seeing more of this :>.

Hey, I likee!

The art is a little rough and I wasn't real fond of a couple of the characters, but the animation was really nice. One thing that bugged the holy hell out of me though was that the case that the cartridge that she held up had Japanese writing on it and yet the game played in English. It seemed like one of those "I'm going to pointlessly include Japanese in this in hopes that people will be impressed that I know some" moments that nerdy idiots who like to pretend they're better than everyone because they put Japanese accents on cartoon titles and know roughly 100 words in the language put in their works either for the previously mentioned reasons or to establish a certain character as an unlikable Japanese wannabe.

My advice is to drop it. If they order Japanese food, if they read too far in an instruction manual, or if they have to talk an ancient samurai who's been thrust through time against his will out of suicide, then yes, drop some Japanese in there, but just putting in a random sentence or two here and there for absolutely no other reason than to say that there IS some in there is just really douchy. These characters aren't douchy yet. Don't walk them down the path of the douche.

But great work for the most part, I look forward to what you do in the future!

Okay then...

ugg.. I can't stand these anime stereotypes.. everywhere from cliche personalities to typical anime gags.. I mean, I seldom find it funny when it's done professionally so I certainly don't like this kind of thing..... It was a valid attempt; animation was rather good at times. It had a concept and plotline in a sense, but this sense of humour is just not getting to me... I find it rather irritating actually. Wasn't a big fan of the character designs either.

Don't get me wrong, I fucking love anime. However, not like this.

xD . ..

jeje, muy buena la animacion de los avisos y el perro de "duck hunt" ^^. Genial la parte en donde Natalie se pone furica y empieza a disparar con todo . . .

Doh Mai Gawd!

This completely won me over, you all did a very over accomplished job!!
I was thinking it was gonna be some lame flash with poor dialogue...but no!!

and boy...was Duck Hunter ever such a bitch!