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Reviews for "Cookie Jar Gone Wrong"



:S Wow.

Ooooook weird. :/

Random is not an instant recipe for humor.

Animation is very smooth, but this is basically a weaker version of a joke in the style of a Family Guy cutaway gag. And those tend not to be that funny these days.

The good news is that you don't need to work on your animation at all, so you can devote a lot more time to writing better material. I'm sure you can think of something better than "oh, I'm subverting expectations from a song for kids and adding similarly unexpected violence, what a kneeslapper!"

In closing, this will probably get downvoted or whatever for being negative, which is fine considering it's the goddamned internet and points like that mean nothing. But I bring it up because if you read this and see a negative score you might be inclined to just ignore this. Please don't, though: the people who enjoy this, and I don't mean this as a disparaging remark, are pretty much definitely between the ages of ten and fifteen. At that age, I'd have found this hilarious. So if you're in this to entertain that age demographic (or you're in the demographic, in which case congrats again on the graphics) then by all means don't change. But I think you can do better than that.

Wasted potential

First off the animation is pretty slick, and the voice acting is spot on. Even the character designs and backgrounds are good.

But the humor is weak, even for a Newgrounds submission, where guns, cursing and violence are part and parcel of the humor landscape. If you're going to use something cliched, it has to be pretty strong to stand out.

If you take out the cursing and tone down the blood, you have something that isn't more inventive then something you'd see as a throwaway guy in Family Guy. With the blood and cursing, you have a joke that is well-trod territory on NG. The "here's a kid's song but now there's cursing and violence" was kind of worn out back when all those Bananaphone parodies hit the scene.

You obviously have lots of artistic talent, so that needs no polish. The concept, setups and jokes though need some morw work.

Uhhhh What was that?