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Reviews for "Monstrous"

Not a bad game, but it has bugs that must be fixed. It needs a better story and more content.

I know it's your first game and all

but that was kinda hurtin. Not very original or creative. Maybe try not ripping off the whole im cloud look at my big sword thing. or the omg my parents are dead batman thing. or the omg everything is trying to kill me thing. I stopped playing somewhere around the part where that guy airstrikes you. that was super lame and frankly i had seen enough of it. You did pretty well on Making a game, but there wasn't much thought as to the Content of said game. take a step back form the programming and write somethiung compelling

You're off to a good start...

...but a lot of things kept me from really enjoying this game.

The visual and audio quality of the game are kind of mediocre. The battle system is okay and it works, but it seems to be missing something. The quicktime events are very annoying and really don't add much to the overall gameplay.

I did like the map system, minus the artwork, but the ability to go back and forth at will would've been nice. It would also be a good idea to allow players to search items on the map, like the tents.

The main problem I had with this game is that the whole thing was very linear. The main character is just sort of pushed from one event to the next with very few choices along the way. Even the battles seemed heavily scripted since choices are limited.

This kind of takes away from the player experience. You could've removed the option to click on any buttons and it wouldn't have changed much with the overall gameplay.

Buggy, but looks fun.

You really need to fix the river crossing bug. Over many multiple attempts I was unable to jump across the log, and I almost gave up. But I reread the game description and since you described the game as "Epic" I figured there must be more to the game and tried a few more times and finally made it. Many players will probably assume that's as far as the game goes and give up at the river.

I didn't play much further, but I do like the overall look of the game. I agree that for a first flash game it's very well done!

Good idea for a game

I like the plotline and the ideas, but I hope there is more gameplay in the next one, it kind of felt like the game was telling you exactly what to do. It's understandable since this is your first game, but I hope you stay true to what you say, and make the next one more advanced