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Reviews for "Why this?"


graphics... well...
but I want to know how is it called the piano theme or from what author...?
really short


I give you eight stars. AS we can all see, the graphics....arent the best but the music was awesome I thought. Also it was sending a clear message but there was no gameplay, and the statement "why this?" didnt really suit it. This was really short too and I didnt see why there was a timer.

Wow, this game just isn't good at all.

As much as I want to tell you this is a good game, the fact of the matter is it's not. The game was clearly lazily made; you even purposely slowed down the "gameplay" if walking to the right wile jumping occasionally can even be labeled as such just to make the game seem longer. The secret medal disgusts me. If you have to slow down the game just to keep people around, why would you make an achievement that implies someone's actually going to play long enough for that timer to run out? This game, to be quite blunt, is just self-important emotional trash. Maybe next time you want to make a game take the time to make sure it's actually fun. Fun was the purpose for which games are made. If I were you, I would have made this a movie. 3/10 because you at least took the effort to draw it, however minimal the art is.

A game made with what looks like MS Paint...

Hm. Frontpaged and medaled for 3 minutes of gameplay where you control a man who speaks in misspelled words and broken sentences. Not to mention the fact that he has the laziest walking animation I have ever seen. 2 pixels are moved. 2. Seriously? He also moves at a snail's pace. I spent 2 minutes trying to figure out what those yellow cubes in the sky were. Then I figured out, "Oh, shit! Those are stars!"

There is hardly any story. What little bit of story there is can be summed up like this. "Sad man can't remember dick. Why can't I remember dick? Why am I sad? Sad man cannot move anything from his feet up. Why can't I move my torso? Why do I have no neck? Maybe this is why Sad man is sad. Why do I try and figure out this game? Look, a gun. Why is this a gun? Oh. Why do I say 'oh'? This gun makes me remember shit. Why does this make me remember shit? I see a house. Why is this a house? Oh, I killed my wife. Why did I kill my wife? I see a cliff. Why is there a cliff right next to my house? Why is the ground my house is on actually FLOATING? I'm dead now. Why am I dead? Why can I talk? Why this game? Why did I play this?"

I see that you are supposed to just feel the emotions of the game, but the broken words, sentences, and storyline just take all of the feeling away. I'd actually like this game if it wasn't so godawful.

So many questions this game leaves. Why the hell is he unconscious? Why does the gun that he killed his wife with not remind him of killing his wife, but the house in the background did? Also, the character jumps off a cliff to kill himself. Why doesn't he use the magical floating gun that he previously picked up? I'd like the "guessing what happened" thing if there was any real storyline to work with when trying to figure out this game.

Also, this isn't a game. You control a fucking linear flash video.
And that's what gets me. Maybe I could tolerate having played this game if it was a GAME. It's on the front page in the GAME section. There is no GAME element to this. What the hell are you thinking, putting this on the FP, Tom? And with a shitty 'game' like this, why bother having a replay button? How about a "get wasted time back" button? Actually, how about just for kicks, you put a "quality" button on there, eh? Or is this your idea of high quality?

Now, the only saving grace is the music. That's why there are 3 stars in this review. But why am I giving you credit for it? It's not your music. But, it's better than nothing, and I don't like being a 'complete' asshole.

But the lamppost with the large number countdown does intrigue me. I'm hoping something not disappointing will happen when it reaches zero. Maybe there will be a message saying this wasn't a complete waste of time, or wasn't even the actual game. Sweet jesuscrackers, I hope so. I'll make a sandwich in the meantime. But at the rate it's going now, making that sandwich will probably have to last twenty years. Hell, I may be dead by then. Now there's an entertaining thought.

Till then,
~1337n00bpwner: the guy who hates his username,
(Also known as Stygix or FasterThanAKenyan)

Why indeed.

Ok, I can understand that this is one of those 'emotional' games. but... well, it sucked. In just about everyway. Repetitive, boring music, no other sound (except for crappy gunshot), shallow, short story, and very slow, EXTREMELY boring gameplay. I can sum up the ENTIRE game in three simple steps.

1) Walk to the right.
2)Watch cutscenes.
3) Fall off a cliff.

I am not ashamed to say this is one of the worst games I've played. I know you tried to make an emotional, pixel-art game that has been all the rage, but I'm sorry, you failed. I'll give you a star... out of sympathy.