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Reviews for "Super Pixelknight"

I find that all the weapons do the same thing

The damage between weapons is minimal, other than that, the game is epic!
I really like it, reminds me of Ghosts & Goblins


Solid presentation of an old school sidescroller ala Ghosts 'n' Goblins and the like. Difficulty is steep but not unmanageable, there are enough monsters to have some variety (even if some are just palette swaps - which is also old school) and the mechanical elements - controls, hit detection and so on - are solid and responsive. The art has a cool pixelated look and the music is straight out of the 16 bit era (and I mean that in a good way).

See, I managed to write a review of a Flash game without going on a five paragraph long rambling misspelled diatribe about surviving in the urban jungle or whatever the hell the guy below me was on about.

Very awesome Ghosts and Goblins remake

I say its better than ghosts and goblins and hard as shit GOOD GAME.

People below your all a bunch of easy gamers you dont like a challenge cuz you get mad that you suck and you suck because your lazy. I bet you play games on easy and medium pfft its all about hard and insane mode thats the actual game right there easy modes are just handycap spaces for people who dont want to be challenged. Let me guess you just thought to yourself, "why would I want to be challenged?", if thats what you just thought meh, gawd, stay off the streets your gunna get mugged and beat down horribly and maybe even something worse. Ya I know "just a game" right? Its about how you dont want the challenge not about games at all.

And to SubrosianDimitri... No, you dont know about the game cuz you only beat the first boss I beat the whole game then reply, and the thing about cheep deaths, ha ha ha you suck, same goes for you darkkol. Cheep deaths are what you call, now wait, hold on, you guessed it; A CHALLENGE.

Now everyone who I've offended please get me banned from this site forever cuz I know your feeling MAD and you want to BRAKE MY BONES and whine piss and moan all the way to bed and punch your pillow but ill tell you something, you wouldn't dare attack me face to face, atleast one on one, you'd rather click a button from behind your screen and write a sob letter to the administrators feel empowered and avoid the hard stuff and live a shit life forever getting pushed around by REAL humans who know they can push you around because you want to have it easy, well you cant have it easy unless you do it hard, live life hard and seek the impossible and and you'll soon find out that with effort and refusal to give up that you can do almost anything if not everything, and you cant do it and you die trying than that means you didn't try hard enough, why things feel hard and scary is because you've been a "level one" all your life by running from challenges, face the hard no, seek the hard in everything you do, it be leisure or work seek the worst and stamp it down make it your bitch and with glee run to the next horrible thing and struggle with it and you'll be living, not just existing. And no, all this isn't over a game its over all the people I'm seeing who don't want to try and are going to be the ones to drag this country into the dirt some day, ever seen the movie idiocracy? Well if you havn't heres something else, we all live once by as far as I can tell, when your old or atleast in your late forty's what will you have to look back on? The way you took the easy route and have nothing to be proud of, what will happen then is you will try to relive your life through your children and they will turn out strange if they listen to you and hate you if they're the kind to do things their way, the hard seekers I mean. And if you plan on not having kids then go kill yourself right now you worthless peace of crap.

This is not hate mail the is save idiots from their ignorant ways mail, but your calling it hate mail anyways I'm just saying theres a time to be a kid a theres time to be a human, maybe not adult thats a big title even for me that some day I will accomplish in being called by myself but all of you who are over the age 12 that I'm talking to right now need to fix yourself.

Hmm, not even I would have read all that if I were the subject in question so, heres a dick and balls with cum you can type with your keyboard: 8======D~~~


Great game for sure

But those goddamn mochi scoreboards freeze the game everytime they come up and i can't close them.. forcing me to reload the page. I hate mochi

A very successful effort

This game captures the balance between difficulty and reward, repetition and novelty, skill and luck.

Difficulty and Reward: Each succeeding level introduces new enemies and enemy placements that gradually increase the challenge of the game without the player feeling overwhelmed by a gratuitous amount of obstacles. The player must proceed observantly and strategically in order to survive, reflexively preparing for potential charging enemies that have yet to come into view, which gives the whole adventure an appreciated atmosphere of danger. Of course, no magnitude of circumspection can save the player from all offenses on all sides, but the game seemed to reward me with a new weapon, health or mana restoratives, or max stat increases at just the right times, so that I never felt cheated when the enemies overtook me, but neither did I feel my caution was unnecessary. From all of this, I felt a satisfaction upon completing each level, and determination, rather than desperation, whenever I got game over.

Repetition and Novelty: As an action platformer, the game proceeds from left to right, with the declines, inclines, and pitfalls that the genre has come to be known for. Like the classics before it, this game intelligently introduces aptly placed ledges, moving platforms, backtracking, and hidden nooks that make the trek feel more exploratory and fun instead of mere start-to-finish. What is especially commendable are the many different weapons the player encounters from random-item chests, which, although every one of them inflicts the same base damage, each is fired at a different speed, trajectory and has a different rate of fire, so that particular weapons are distinctly more useful than others depending on the enemy/map situation or boss fight. This gives awesome motivation for the player to find as many chests as possible (since the weapons are randomly generated), so that each weapon and its accompanying special move can be experimented with throughout the levels.

Skill and Luck: Not every weapon will be available when the player would benefit from having it, and yet the entire game could be mastered with any particular weapon since they are all, generally, balanced in how well they defeat enemies in the game. This is good news for hardcore players who are determined to get higher and higher scores, since (at least as it seems from my first play through) veterans can rely on sheer skill to defeat every enemy without perishing, while inexperienced beginners can often benefit from the luck of the draw as they come upon the next weapon chest.

And all throughout, the controls are responsive, they feel natural, and everything runs very smoothly. The music sounds great, and the overall style of the game is very clean and retro, which is just how I like pixel art games. Unlike other reviewers, I did not have any issues with jumping from ledge to ledge; I only fell once throughout my entire play through, from start to finish. Nothing in the gameplay felt off, rough, or awkward for me.

I realize how lengthy this review is, and that's because it's more intended for the author rather than other players. I want to let him/her know how successful they were in producing a solid homage to solid 2D sidescroller games--in terms of challenge, style, and gameplay. Whoever you are, I hope you feel proud of your creation, and motivated by its reception to continue working in gaming.