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Reviews for "Diesel Valkyrie"


My biggest problem was with the fact it only could go 45 degrees each way. I know it would be a lot of work for doing each degree, but could've at least made it every 20 degrees, didn't have to make it every one degree.
Games like these became boring 2 years ago, for me at least.
Anyways, the zombies were way too dumb, they just keep moving running at a wall or get stuck on each other, there's pretty much huge mounds of zombies stuck at walls. It would've been a lot better if the zombies could move past each other or better yet, you could move past zombies.
When you just walked over a zombie spawning area, you would quickly just become killed. This would mostly be because of the fact the gun can't kill zombies that are touching the character.


I was having fun with it that's for sure, but I found a glitch on the second last level. First, I ran into an area where I thought it was clear of zombies, then I slowed down, and then the zombies appeared, not dug out of the ground, but appeared, and I died. Following that, each time I respawned, the charecter failed to appear, and the zombies killed her off both times with me not being able to do anything. If it helps matters at all, I was playing as a wimp.

Lots of strategy!

Quite a nice design.

Even on the lower difficulties, you have to keep moving to stay alive. A lot of shooters really don't make you do that.

It also makes you think -- not always easy to get a good shot.

I liked the weapons upgrades.... the Gatling gun is just plain fun to mess around with. The game looks good.

I've been playing this for a while, so far it's addicting.

Sound -- Kind of repetitive, but no major complaints.
Gameplay -- I love it. You have to use a lot of strategy to survive on the higher modes. And you can't just charge face-first into a group of zombies to kill them, not without a good weapon.

This game has been very entertaining so far and I hope too see more like it.


get in a corner and let the mouse clicked sit and watch while they run to their death :D

likwidgames responds:

If you are doing this, you are obviously playing WIMP mode.

I really can't like this game

As someone already said I can't understand why you can't shot 360 degree. Besides that I can't find funny a game you just run firing waiting for a lucky power-up wich last a couple of seconds. If there was any kind of upgrades or skill points, but there's not.

I'm not saying it's a bad game, it's not. It's a cool game, a lot of people do like it, but i don't.

likwidgames responds:

The reason why you can't shoot 360 degrees is in the Game Description. Please read before posting useless comments.