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Reviews for "Armed with Wings 3"

Wonderful Game

A great addition to the series. I'll be honest though: I'm a bit scared of the blackmist because he's got so much power for one guy...
I love the music to this though! Please tell me it's available somewhere!

Great! But please fix the bugs

Awesome graphics and gameplay! Epic battlescenes! Great storyline, but it seems like this is the end :(

I loved how you had to use the eagle, especially for double jumping. Interesting concept, although I wish it could play a role in battle as well(BlitzBeat!! xD)

It really would have been perfect without the glitches. Here are a few I've found so far:
-At chapter 3(the icy stage), if you drop from the falling platform onto the spikes and die, when you retry, the previous corpse will still be there, even though its invisible, causing the platform to break instantly. Quitting the game and continuing resets everything but its such a pain in the ass!
-Certain places, such as beneath the draft which blows your character upwards, allow the eagle to leave the game area. I tried going as far as I could, but it goes on and on infinitely. If you drift too far, 'W' no longer returns the eagle to the boy. I suggest setting a full boundary around all levels, leaving no loopholes.
-As mentioned by others before, special abilities that drain mp overtime(eg. Heal & Spinning Agile) don't actually drain mp on the first tick. This can be exploited by simply tapping on the 'D' key, which makes your character invulnerable until you stop. That would be fine if the bosses are faster, giving you no time to counterattack(since there is a delay after releasing the 'D' key), but since the bosses seem to get slower and slower, it makes dodging nearly useless. I suggest keeping the invulnerability, but change the mp drain to start immediately instead.
-I don't know if this is intended, but the spikes should kill enemies as well. Really hated knocking an archer down into the pit just for it to shoot upwards at me while I'm trying to jump to the next platform...
-Another small glitch i faced was sometimes the icons for 'WASD' didn't change when i switched between the boy and the eagle. It doesn't affect gameplay, but I've noticed it happen a few times, so its worth a fix.
-I've never personally had this, but alot of people get stuck at the loading/title screen? Worth a check. It such a waste for them not to get a chance to try this.

Heavily Inspired and Concerned

Great game, love the idea, but for an anime fan such as my self, it's VERY easy to see how inspired some of the characters, weapons, and attacks were from Bleach. 8 for good gameplay, but nothing higher for how glitched it is.

Might want to rethink Networks appearance before anyone else notices where the initial design is from, someone might shit bricks and try to start something ;)


Grrrreat game!! Felt like I was playing a handheld Kingdom Hearts game, except this one was good! Great story/art/gameplay.

I really wish I could give this game a 10.

The Armed with Wings series is by far one of the most visually amazing games I've ever experienced and this was no exception. The story was superb and the moves looked amazing and were a pleasure to use. The music and scenery added amazing immersion factors that really brought the game to life.

What killed this game were the bugs and controls. The controls for most of your games have always been a bit slow and hard to use. But this episode of Armed with Wings is especially platform heavy. And when you need to precisely land on small targets, you need to make sure controls are flawless.

But nothing was worst than the bugs. The only thing that stopped me from playing this game non-stop were the bugs I kept running into. Sometimes the camera would go off into space and I had to manually restart from the next save point. Sometimes my character would stop gaining health from orbs. Sometimes after placing a block on a button, it kept coming loose, playing the animation of the door opening and closing over and over again while my character kept dying. Currently, I'm stuck on the level where you need to open the series of doors using Eagle in order to progress, and different glitches keep forcing me to restart the entire map or at least that one section. It breaks the flow of gameplay and I really hate to be mad at this game because it is immensely fun.

So please if possible for next release, make sure your game is bug free, tighten up the controls if possible, and add more autosaves in your game, or simply a quicksave mode to start you from the next room. Also, in a game like this, being able to go to previous levels would probably benefit the game as a hole since you added RPG elements, which I find adds an extra bit of flavor to your already awesome series.

For now, I think I'll stick to your previous titles, but please keep releasing these stunning games, simply work on playtesting to iron out the bugs before releasing.

Thank you.