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Reviews for "Wind in the wires"


I don't know who the singer is, but while I congratulate him on staying in tune (which is more than could be said for most singers today), he was completely unintelligible. I could only understand the last word of some of the lines. He really ought to learn how to sing clearly.

I believe I may have approached this with the wrong mindset, but I didn't find this piece engaging at all. My thoughts during the video were more or less, "Oh, this guy's singing; is this some kind of music video? Why did he jump off the cliff? Why are the birds suiciding against the cliff wall? Huh, a bird got his ring- oh, wait, that bird killed itself too. Hm." The shot-by-shot descriptions really explained a lot, though, and I can't thank you enough for including them. On the downside, (again, maybe I was in the completely wrong mindset) none of the details in the descriptions were conveyed at all, at least to me. You seem proud of your work, though, so good on you for that.

Overall, though, this video was uninteresting and borderline pretentious.

Couldn't finish the movie

Song gave me a headache.

The work should speak for itself

I got the gist of the story from simply watching the film, but other than the pollution of planet story all the broken lovers part is completely unclear from watching the video. Animation is anime adequate. Needs some work on storyline and animation. Good effort though.

Cool concept, but...

It still has several flaws, at least in my opinion.

Firstly, the random seabirds bashing the skulls into a cliff? That was weird and not really necessary. That whole sequence had absolutely no reason for existing. At all. The same goes for the gratuitous bleeding sequences. They had no reason to exist, and so, likewise, you cannot justify their existence.

Also, while I know that anime-style depictions of people are very popular, I have to say that they don't look human. They look like someone did a gritty reboot of a Doctor Seuss book. Also, because they're so popular, there's no originality in them.

Finally, what was with those bizarre shadows over the eyes? If you wanted shadow, you should have made realistic shadow. Instead, you gave your viewers the impression that both of your characters were wearing for-fitting sleep masks. If you're going to do something, do it right. Your audience will appreciate it.

It's a good start, but it could've been a hell of a lot better.

Pretty meh song

It was a little too slow for my liking and although i do agree with the world loosing colour i didn't like the clip.