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Reviews for "WHOOKOS Beta: Halloween"


Why is Druox in this?

Death to Zero Bombers!

Because everyone deserves a fair review

Can't say I loved it

I kept telling myself if i watched another one i would hate it and i figured this one had two things going for it the fact it was a Halloween special and Druox was in it and I'm a huge fan of his work so that pushed me into giving it another chance but there were to many anime-esque jokes in it. And i respect that you like anime i was in fourth grade once to but i just felt you over did it. And i feel like I'm doing a bad thing but to compenssate I'll give this a 5 in the other section the one that really matters because i didnt want to come in the first place and when i did i gave a bad review. It's kinda like when METALLICA released St. Anger it wasn't their best work but it had it's high points. I'm not trying to say you suck but i won't watch ANYMORE period no questions about it. I don't care who's on it it could be Jesus for all i care i will never watch another because if i do im gonna be tempted to review it and if i review it it's gonna be bad and i don't try to be an asshole on newgrounds i save that for youtube. with all due respect I DID NOT 100% HATE THIS.


Not too sure what just happened I want my 5 minutes of life back :(

It was all teleporting and the story made no sense one second you was doing one thing and the next you're doing something else, voice acting wasn't too bad although microphones were very crackly, i'm not really going to bother waste time pointing out how to help you in your story etc... because i have no doubt you wouldn't take it into consideration, STORY NEEDS TO BE WRITTEN A TONNE BETTER.

jesus christ

such weaboo styled "warm hearted humor" i couldn't fucking take it, it was so boring and fucking annoying.

also, animation was average, lip sync was absolutely awful though, theirs mouths only moved in one directions, no narrowing or widening, that's a big shortcut.

also, don't give me the "If you didn't like it why did you watch it bullshit"

Im supposed to give my review of shit, thats what this box is here for. You people act as though people are only supposed to write positive reviews.

also, this menu music has been playing for about 4 minutes now and it sucks asshole.