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Reviews for "APOKALYX"


In all honesty, this was one of the most out-of-my-skull boring RPGs I've ever played, as I found absolutely nothing that gave it any ground besides the graphics.

Before I move on, I'll get the one thing redeeming about this game out of the way: The graphics. They are amazing. Some of the best graphics in a flash game I've ever seen in any flash games. However,

This does not save it. The gameplay has absolutely nothing original, interesting, or fun about it. I abhor most point-and-click RPGs, Sonny being a rare case, by being nothing more than grind fests of limited enjoyment, and this is no different. Mentioning Sonny, the combat is exactly the same as it is in the Sonny games, except not anywhere near as fun. In Sonny, the fun is made from the fact that the grinding is fun, due to a solid form of combat and fun abilities. Here, it's taking that and removing anything enjoyable from it, with very little passive abilities, which are crucial to some play styles. The battles themselves are long an tedious, with absolutely no enjoyment received during their duration. Not to mention that the looting structure is absolutely horrid. The idea of one item from their equipment and nothing else is, with all reason and thought considered, idiotic. The RPG element is also confusing and ill-structured, in that the points seem to change their values from character creation to level up.

As for the setting, described as a post-apocalyptic world, it is confusing, pointless, stupid, and outright mediocre. Describing that some people survived a nuclear apocalypse by being 'strong' is outright stupid. Whoever wrote the unpublished book that inspired this was an idiot. Radiation, in that strong an amount, kills people. It doesn't matter how physically and/or mentally strong they were, radiation would have killed them anyways. You CAN'T adapt to radiation. And the idea of the apocalypse's cause being unknown is stupid, in that if anyone survived, which they obviously did, they'd write what it was down and the cause would be known. Also, the story, while I didn't finish the game, didn't give em any comfort. 'Chosen ones' and 'prophecies' aren't exactly the sign of a good story.

All in all, it was a valiant effort, but it ultimately fell short. If you really want a post-apocalyptic RPG, get a copy of Fallout.

Oh, and before I go: 'APOKALYX'? Seriously? I've seen five-year-olds with more creativity than that.

u no

this game rulezzz pppl say it copyes sonny but sonny come after this i play sonny i know so farg you leave xplroed alone

This may be a bit "blunt"

It's great how I decided to go make a Blunt weapon user and the Trader never has anything good to sell that is Blunt.

And how the music is like a 20 second loop that doesn't sound very good.

Xplored responds:

you've been unlucky, 'cause trader supply is random :)
The music is about 2 minutes loop both the arena one and the city one.
Sorry you didn't like it.

no way! D:

i cant equip the armor your game have bugs i click and drag in the right place but nothing happens

my is frozzen

i cant play this