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Reviews for "APOKALYX"


In my opinion it needs a bit of work. none of the "powers" work right but this is just an Alpha release right? a WIP. I give it 4/5 and 9/10 for creativity and being unique. Will review the Full release version or a fixed beta which ever comes first. Well done thinking this up.

A Mess of a Game

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get very far into the game because of bugs. I couldn't use a special ability without the game crashing. That said, I did get enough play in to provide some feedback:

Graphics: the artwork was pretty good, but because of the 3-D rendering everything appears to be rather small. The animations are pretty basic, considering the quality of the artwork. The colors aren't very vidid, giving the whole game a rather dull and unappealing sheen.

Interface/Menus: these were my least favorite parts of the game. It was not very intuitive. In fact, they were down right confusing. I had to poke around to find the screens/menus I needed. Buying/equipping items is not very logical in that you can't just buy and item and drop it onto the character or into an inventory box. That is what it looks like you should do, but that's not how the interface works. This is an area that could use a major retooling.

Sound/Voices: They sounded like something more befitting a 1980's syndicated cartoon show than a grown-up battle game.

Gameplay: I actually liked the tactical elements of the game. It required me to actually scout the opponent and figure out the best actions to take. If the game weren't as buggy as it is, I'm pretty confident the tactical element would blow most other games of this genre out of the water. Trouble is, I can't give rating points for potential. If the game engine was better I would have a lot more fun with the tactics, and that just shows how underdeveloped the game is. I like that it helps to know the strengths and weaknesses of yourself AND your opponent. It would be better if I HAD to know those strengths and weaknesses. The previously mentioned problems with the interface really dampen the experience. Because the interface is not intuitive, it's tedious and even a chore to do all the analysis necessary to play the game at its highest potential. The lack of an expanded world was also a bit of a drawback. Different arenas/locations would be an improvement. This could be used to enhance development of a character. For instance, if your character specializes in one type of weapon, create a location where a smith specializes in that weapon, and make it a chore to get there.

Plot. Eh, it's highly underdeveloped. And forgettable. And has holes in it. And is filled with spelling and grammar errors. OK, it sucks. Without a good story, a game like this becomes monotonous rather quickly. The other elements of the game, as it exists, are not strong enough to pull in a player and keep them playing for an extended period of time.

In sum, this is a game that would be likable if it wasn't such a mess. There is so much potential in this game, and because the game misses the mark on so many points, from originality of story to the bugs to the substandard interfaces, that missed potential is blatantly apparent.

You've done this right!

I really need to give you credit for making a tactical rpg and, staying true to the genre, actually making it require tactics.
Now, there are some rpgs where the tactics are limited to "attack, attack, attack, heal, attack... etc" and the entire game could be played that way... this one dared to be different, and got some mixed responses.
Most people describe a jrpg as "level up, or you can't beat the enemies", and a wrpg as "choose the right ability, or you can't beat the enemies". in all cases, it involves tactics. Now, this would qualify as a wrpg only because one could horribly mess up their choice in abilities/skill, though if one bothers to read the details of what the skills do, even without reading the instructions, with some thinking one would be able to figure out which abilities they should invest in.
As time goes on, I notice trends between the way a character works and their species. without going into too much detail, I'll just say that you notice stark ones have better "regular attacks" because they have more passive abilities in the first ranking.
The more you play, the more it becomes natural, but the more it becomes tactical than the typical "just do whatever and see what happens" routine. It's not too complicated, but not too simple. It's pretty damn good.
The only thing I dislike is the introduction.

Well.. it's ok but there are serious problems

I'm playing as a Mutant. The enemies that cast Intimidate on you are just ridiculous. For three rounds (because that's the level I'm at now) I am almost completely unable to damage the enemy, with like a 20% hit chance for my regular attack. And Intimidate seems to never miss, even though I put a lot of stats into coordination, precision, and speed (13 or 14) and am not wearing any armor with penalties for those stats.

Also I have noticed a lot of enemies come out of stun a turn early. Poor programming.

Amazing Game

Everything great. Turn based RPGs like Sonny, Apokalyx were always at the top of leaderboards. I would like to rate it a HEART ATTACK/10. When the bugs get fixed and the ONLINE version is coming out it's getting even better.
P.S. Guys, if the game isn't working rate your PC not the game