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Reviews for "Road of the Dead"

FUN fun Fun

I really do not like racing games... This is really really Great though. I hate zombies so this game is different from shooting them, just run them down. I can't believe the controls of the car are really great, when i started I actucally felt it shift.lol.
Great Game and different than normal. I enjoyed it!!!

Evil-Dog responds:

so you hate racing, you hate zombies but you love our game...we did something right! hahaha


This game is really awesome! And very time-consuming too :P

Evil-Dog responds:

haha yeah our goal is to consume people's time :D

Love and Hate

I love it and I also hate it
things are truly love are the voice acting and the sounds, they're excellent. I couldn't say more.

however there some annoying factors into the game, the fact that there is no Pause button in it forces the player to start over if something happen.
Secondly would be the level difficulty increments, I know that you wanted to have the streets as chaotic as possible, but I think there's a fine line between Chaotic and just total FUBAR situations where it pretty much got to a point that "fuck this, i just don't care anymore"
Yes, streets become more cluttered up as level gets higher, but with infantry hiding, moving, placing C4 charges, spikes AND having an Apache on you AND having a fighter bomber trying to carpet bomb you to hell's half acre, it's pretty damn FUBAR for some people. oh not to mentions the dead and mutated who likes to cling up on your windshield.

However, I think these are just minor things, and overall a pretty good game, if not frustrating at times just to get through a level.

Evil-Dog responds:

Without the pause button, all you need to redo at most is a segment of the road, which is never that long and for the chaos, well, perception upgrades and car upgrades really help keeping control on the situation. That's how it would be in the zombie apocalypse....chaos :D
Thanks for the clear negative points

The Road

It was made by the dead and the dead keep it... careful when driving over the bodies can be slippery.

Evil-Dog responds:

haha hell yeah

Feels like a Robert Rodriguez movie.

The art was very nice but felt a little flat, kind of like the old Road Rash games adapted for the Genesis. I think the use of sound, music, voice over narration, effects, and pacing is what really engages the player and makes this game truly awesome. Also, it was a little too hard for me, never got past Chinatown.

Evil-Dog responds:

haha the title of the review is a great compliment :D
Road rash man....one of the best games ever :D
it is hard....thanks for the review buddy