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Reviews for "Coffee, boy!"


SiW auf Newgrounds!?
Jetzt ist die Seite endlich vollständig.
Schade nur dass das englischsprachige Publikum nie verstehen wird, was es da grade gesehen hat und welche 3P1CN3S55 ihm dabei entgangen ist, ha!
Ich bin seit langer Zeit überzeugter SiW Diehard, aber nicht-Deutschsprachigen den Humor nahezulegen hat nie funktioniert, klarer Fall von unüberbrückbaren kulturellen Differenzen.
Es ist wohl eher sowas wie ein Insider für SiWheads.
Schade drum, denn die Animationen sind super, auch wenn man sieht dass es in einem Speeddrawing Stil entstanden ist, oder grade deshalb.
Untertitel wären eventuell hilfreich gewesen, damit zumindest klar wird worum es geht, normalerweise macht sich kaum einer die Mühe die author's comments zu lesen.
Ach, und ich hab das "Junge" immer mit "Dude" übersetzt, aber das nur am Rande.
So, 10 Sterne und ein Klick auf den FIVE button weil du Jean Luc und seinen Kaffee nach Newgrounds gebracht hast.
Und jetzt t'schickt es aber langsam, Junge, echt.

Hildebrandt responds:

OMFG, dein Review treibt mir die Tränen in die Augen!
Ich bin ein Verehrer des notorisch aggressiven Jean Luc P. und ebenfalls eingefleischter SiW- Fan... Junge, Scheiße, die Resonanz ist hier so schlecht dass ich jedem hier ein Mopped ins Kreuz werfen könnte!
Das hätte ich mir zwar vorher denken können, aber es ist schon als Erfolg verbucht, dass EIN deutschsprachiger kulturbewusster Mensch meinen Cartoon gesehen hat! DANKE!
(Oh, ja, und dude wäre besser gewesen... aber watt solls... isch mach ma Kaffee... schwarz und lecker...)

Funny, but could use some improvements...

Even though you provided a translation for this, it would have been better if you have subtitled it instead. Of course, your last three submissions have been enjoyable, you have some minor quirks that I'm going to explain now.

The art may not be up to par with Ryan Khatam, Adam Phillips, Leafworthy, or Johnny Utah; but just enough to get the point across. However, I noticed that like your last submission, the main character has a nose when viewed from the side; but when viewed from the front, it's flat. You need to keep an eye out for that because it sticks out like a bad paint job. In terms of sound, that song may be in German, but it was one of the better songs with lyrics on here. Speaking of which, this very cartoon was pretty funny, albeit random.

What I do like:
-Original, which means little when compared to the substance.
-Good singing
-Nice art and animation

What I don't like:
-A bit too random for my taste.
-Minor continuity error

Overall: Why can't Sinitron make stuff as good as this? Aside from that, here's a nine out of ten.

Hildebrandt responds:

Wow, thanks for your review-
I get a little lazy when drwaing the same character over and over again... I know that I could do verything nicely and as clean and correct as it could be, but I am not a professional animator and even adding one layer of shading or even a nose could drasticly extend the process of finishing my cartoon...
Very well, thanks again-

Like candy

For the ADHD sensors of my brain. Awesome even w/out the hot coffee chicks and shit. Awesome perspectives and actions and COFFEE

Hildebrandt responds:




Hildebrandt responds:

thx. I think I'll translate it... :D

Haha, nice.

I love all of the wacky images that you use to get across the idea of a coffee high. The absurdity of the things, the exaggerated movement, the vibrant colors and the rapid pace of the flash all got that feeling across nicely. I like how all of the changes happened so fluidly at times, though I wish you had done that for all of the scene/object/etc changes.

I don't think that I've fond of the shakiness, though. At times it seemed to fit well stylistically, but at others it didn't, particularly when the objects were still. At those points it seemed like it was a mistake. Maybe it was. Regardless, consider both thinning down your lines and making them more consistent.

There are a few points where I really loved the anticipation that you put in, like when he was swinging his arms.

Lastly, the lip syncing was shaky. It seemed like you put too much detail into the movements of the lips, making them jumpy and overcomplicated.

Hildebrandt responds:

Thanks for your long (and helpful) review,
I did the shaking on purpose, but what really grinds my balls is that you've only got that shitty brush tool in flash to draw thicker lines and it FUCKS EVERYTHING UP... which is very annoying.
I know, the lip sync isn't perfect, but since the movie is only 12fps it is very hard to get the right shape for everything...
Thanks again!