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Reviews for "Rune Hunt"

Enjoyable, but 1 problem...

Overall I liked it quite a bit, but I had one serious annoyance; on the fifth level, after almost completely beating it--I had broken the runestone and all--I accidentally jumped into the lava pit, not realizing my character was stupid enough to actually jump... And that reset the whole level! At least just set me back to the last pillar =/

lithander responds:

That you don't lose your savegame is a recent addition. In the original version (1.0) you would have had to replay from the beginning. That got me a lot of (well deserved) hate! ;)

Good game, but unrewarding.

The ending, to me at least, didn't really bring any closure to the story. What drove the shadow creatures to attack your father when he was near a campfire? What WERE the shadow creatures? Will the cave remain, unchanged, until someone else ventures in? To me, it seems like it didn't have an end. Even when you get the good ending, you get an ending only slightly different from the bad ending, where you second-guess leaving.

I hope this means "to be continued".

lithander responds:

There are many tablets in the last level that give hints at what happened. But I guess a reunion with Daddy would have been more rewarding. Especially because he might have known the answers to your questions!^^

well done sir!

This is a fun and challenging game. I like the way you can jump right in and explore. Then when you mess up it is not the end of the world or game over. Good clean fun!


Nicely done. I like the sprites and overall tone of the game you have going on here, and this definitely looks like one that'll last.


Not a bad game. Some parts were frustrating, getting used to the whole style of gameplay you've created was an adjustment at first - but once I started figuring things out it was quite fun. I love the beginning of the game, very creepy, especially when you discover your father's remains. The butterflies were difficult to steer at certain points, but I managed to figure it out with a bit of practice. The golems really sucked too, lol.

I managed to get most of the level done where the lava pit is, and my curiousity got the best of me. I just HAD to see what happened, so I jumped in, and had to restart the whole level :( I was not pleased with the result, lol. I did it though, and managed to finish the game. The ending was seriously lacking, IMO. I really wish some of the story was explained because we are left completely clueless as to what happened. Terrible ending.

Overall though, the drawings were fine for a game of this type, the animation was okay, the music was nice and creepy, the sounds were very appropriate, and the game was pretty fun and interesting. I'll give you an 8 out of 10. I hope you keep making games though, as I did enjoy this. Keep up the good work!