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Reviews for "[Visible] III"

I have Flash Player 10

This was fun to play because it was a truly original idea. I always had to look out for everything on both sides and it was so easy to forget the lower half. The graphics themselves are really good, especially with how the ninja gets set on fire and everything. I had some trouble climbing and everything and the arrow keys work a lot better for me. The background is good and gives a nice futuristic feeling. The hazards are everything are pretty standard and I do not even know how the upgrades work.

AethosGames responds:

The upgrades increase the amount of time you can stay invisible or climb the walls.


This game is tough, requiring forward thinking and precision. My only (minute) complaint regards the upgrade system. Initially I didn't know what I was upgrading or how whatever it was was being upgraded... Figured it out later on, though...

AethosGames responds:

I see. This is where I'd usually say I'll improve it in the sequel, but there is no sequel to this.


why the hell is a fire trap in an exit?????

AethosGames responds:

To make you cry

Very fun and deep game here

I had no idea that a game that looked so simple could have so much style and detail about it, like this one you have here, What really makes this work is that it doesn't try to be Super fancy or anything, it just gives off what it's supposed to give off. and thats what i noticed right away about this game.I am really impressed with this game, its deep and very advanced, i was abit frustrated with the whole small "CHARACTER" but you did make it fun and deep with the "MIRROR" viewing thing to make it more tricky so that was a plus. The levels do get tricky so that was good but they get progressivly good and that what really kept me entertained on this one. Anyways a good game i was not able to acheive much medals, i would love as an improvment to possibly have the "ARROW" keys as some controls would better fit it seems, but anyways good game regardless. So as i have Evaluated this awsome flash you have here, you have amazed me aswell as others, you could make a great Highlights reel with this, there was some nice visuals in this and it was a well rounded flash entry,

Very good for the amount of content that you have. I would suggest trying to find other and new ideas so you can have more going on with the submission. Allthough it was not bad though, and was pretty entertaining, so ill drop a few options and advice here for you. have the arrow keys an option for movment and action keys

Difficulty was somewhat overrated after a few tries. As the tricks to each level of Gauntlet are assimilated, it's relatively easy to do a full run. Harder to do without death/detection but far from impossible.

The best tip I can give: If you have to wall-jump over traps in between walls, don't jump at the wall first - instead, try climbing it from the ground, that will build more momentum (this helps a lot on gauntlet level 2).

Another tip: Any shift key works, so you can do a two hander for a much better control wih WASD and right shift.. Try in.

To unlock every last medal/achiev, do the following:

- Do gauntlet fast (I got speed run with a time of 4:04 and some deaths)
- Do gauntlet with 9 or less deaths (Don't know if inclusive, try to die 8 times max)
- Do gauntlet without any death (Not even once)
- Do gauntlet without being noticed by "detector" traps (Use shift to navigate the mazes and NEVER pass any laser/gun/rocket and probably shock balls while visible). And probably don't die either.

It's hard but not entirely impossible. Remember, you don't need any haste to do any of that except the speedrun one.