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Reviews for "Crush The Castle 2"

Definetively better.

The new ammo makes for a good challenge and I never really had lag exept on some player created levels. And that was due to the fact that there was jus too much stuff on screen. Also there is a typo. On the big map and in your description, it's written ''CruSHTania'', but on the bar above the main map, it's written ''CruSTania''. I also love the music and I want it.

Love it!

Great game, and i had no lag so i dont know what some people complaining about.
I thought the new ammo was awesome

absolutely love it!

i always kept coming back to play CtC and CtC PP, now i'll be coming back to play this game whenever im bored!

i finally completed it, got all golds, and even went around one-shotting all the castles afterwards.

although, i cant really figure out the last secret medal... going by the game's achievments, it should be that "hell froze over" thing, or whatever it said... but i cant figure out how to do that...

also, when i beat the game, the king said something about a prototype machine, and i heard from others you get a catapult... but i never did, where is it? how do i use it? im very confused about that part.

well, this is a masterpiece, i also love all the different stages and weather, graphics are very nice!

of course, i suffer major lag in most stages, which made it difficult getting all golds, but i managed...

i love the variation you gave us this time around, especially that secret magic at the end... i always thought the last couple games' super bombs were powerful... they're nothing but silly toys compared to this thing! :D

well, there is a strange problem... i seem to have gotten medals, but not the achievements in-game... like the lumberjack medal, destroying 10 castles with logs, i got the medal... not the in-game achievement.

also, i got the air burst medal, but not the achievement, same goes for the prohibition medal, got that, but not the 100 barrel achievement in-game...

just wanted to let you know, i think the game is maybe glitched and doesnt recognize the achievements?

again, love this game! hope to see a crush the castle 3 someday, or maybe a player pack for this sequel?


Greetings! I've reviewed this line of gaming before. That is, I looked through both the original and the player pack and found them to be mostly good. I say mostly because I deemed the pack-game to be not as good as the first, but not too badly.

So now, welcome to your sequel-review. This game has always been fun for me, as a conquering madman with a trebuchet on his rounds to end every seige in the world. (Well, they say when you have a hammer, all the world's a bunch a nails to you or something.) And this new game is greatly improved on the previous stuff. How? Let's set...

First, the gameplay is smoother than the last time. It's still software-intensive from tracking the motions of every little piece of castle sometimes, but I notice that this does not affect the trebuchet's motions (and therefore operation) anymore. That is good!

Second, we have new stuff! Oh, these weapons are FUN to mess around with. I have gold in every game-set castle at least, thanks to these beauties, though not all of them were easy to use or necessarily the best option. (Sometimes, a bomb triplet is just better.)

Thirdly, PEOPLE EXPLODE! People go *Poot!* dead, and leave behind a gravestone. It's funny. Also the animation and inclusion of some actual music was just nicely improved, period. Meaning we got over the firing animation problem AND made it better with like no sacrifice.

Fourthly, we have Create-Your-Own-Castle and Destroy-Everyone's-Castle, and I've noticed that people were less of a jerking-around-with-the-players kind of group as the player pack. Good for you, whoever the hell you are! I'm now having fun with these, especially the ones labeled 'Unlimited'.

Could I convince you guys to mess with a Howitzer next? That would be awesome.

fun and cool

I beat the first one on Kongregate. I think my favourite thing has to be after i throw the rocks/bombs etc at the castles, it falls apart, killing people as usual, then when things stop moving, one guy has like a spantanious heart attack and dies