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Reviews for "Dj Sheepwolf Mixer 3"


this was fucking amazing, went beyond everything i expected

Wow, Skilled.

This made me very happy because I'm quite the fan of electronica, It kept me busy for quite some time too. I'd make a mix, do some work to the music, then switch it up and work some more. Great game all and all, and I'm hoping for another mixer game. Because I just love them, so thank you, for this highly solid game.

i like the game but my screen completey zoomed out

ok so i was playing this AWESOME GAME!!!! but all of a sudden my screen zoomed out only on this page website tho :(

DjSonicx responds:

weird, never happened to me, i really don't know what could be, i hope it doesn't happen again

incredible fun, just wish i could click.

This was actually insane fun to use, i just wish it was possible to click on the things as well as use the keys, it's quite fiddly, holding a note on the keyboard and the trying to move the mouse to see what arrows are on then turning off, etc.


To me, the organization of the board itself was a bit cluttered and left something to be desired - it made it difficult for my mind to keep track of what exactly was going on when I was trying to figure out how to make the songs and what your instructions were saying, and this is likely due to my having ADD, but all the same, the background seemed to overwhelm the other aspects in the game in specific areas. I'm well aware this isn't anything majorly serious, I just thought I'd point that out. It'd be nice to see a version with more of a drop-down menu type selection or something more minimalist. Probably not the feel you were looking to give this particular game, but potentially a good idea for those whose minds have trouble processing situations quickly. I'm not much into DJ'ing real-life, either, so I can't say how the change in the background might change the situation for someone who's actually attempting to learn to DJ from this. The ADD population is likely outweighed, and others might find this easy on the eyes. I suppose the majority feedback is what you should really listen to if you want to improve.

As for my picking on things and poking at things in order to make this more of a review/critique than just a "Yay, this was good!" statement, I honestly can't find much more to criticize. The selection of music was a little weak variety-wise, but that's understandable considering the purpose of this game. You can't fit all forms of music into this game and have them all sound decent, necessarily, and it would take some added work, but if you're looking to do other installments you might try being able to add in other genres, and adding the ability to speed things up and slow things down. Only a thought, but one I felt worth mentioning.

The graphics for the game were simple enough, but they were enjoyable and caught the eye most thoroughly (my problem with this, because the writing didn't catch my attention nearly as much), and they fit the overall feel and layout of the design you presented us with. The colors were vibrant and you managed to cater to a wide variety of preferences with your different backgrounds. Your variety and choice offered blew my mind, really, and it made fiddling around with the flash an absolute blast, finding all the different combinations one could use. And while you only had a specific grouping of music offered, it worked incredibly well (why you chose it, I presume).

Really, I found this flash to be wonderful and a real blast to play with. It was a nice way to relax and yet keep myself from falling over dead from exhaustion after an all-nighter. Having the power of the DJ in your hands is a lot of fun, and I'm glad I was able to experience it.

In the future, I might try to keep everything accessible without having the screen roll, but having it the way you arranged it is understandable and logical, so it worked for the limited space you had.

Overall, I'd say 9/10 for a superb job with only a very few small things that could be improved upon. If there was more to be said, I would have, but without there being a game behind it, the most I can comment on is the art and the overall arrangement. Color, sound, movement... the stimulation offered to the neurological system by your flash is amazing. The only way it could get better (besides aforementioned small things) is if you could feel it and smell the vinyl as well, but I think in order to do that we still have to go out and use an actual set-up rather than a digital one.

This flash deserved its place in the top flashes for the day, and I'm happy today was the day I decided to pop back to NewGrounds and start looking things over again. This was most definitely a pleasant surprise.

Keep up the hard, entertaining work. I doubt your fanbase will dwindle much anytime in the near future.

Once more - fantastic work. I hope you had a nice relaxing day after completing this - if not, you deserved it.

DjSonicx responds:

Wow, thank you for your opinion! ^^