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Reviews for "Print Lab Panic!"

Will there be a part two?!

Um...i love this song.

Could have been better

I can see that this was building up to something, but I was genuinely disappointed, as I thought that you were going to at least make something from the buildup. Have you peaked? Not judging by your later works, but this does need a little prod in the right direction.

The scene is set for something horror based, like Left 4 Dead or Resident Evil, but you left us hanging there with a massive plot hole that I wouldn't have expected from you. Some sort of punchline about the print lab guy being really helpful, after printing out the work for the kid, or something like that - how about the disc was blank and the kid drops to his knees and lets out a mighty "NOOOOO!", before fading to black, while the long legged thing says "Can I eat your brain now?" Something a little funny, but maudlin.

This animation style is coming along and I want to see these two guys featuring in more flash soon. Get to work on your next one, your latest project is already a few days old!

[Review Request Club]

Battosai810 responds:

This cartoon was originally going to go a little further - the creeper guy was going to try and return the disc to him as Dave ran off into the light, only to pat himself down to find he forgot his homework.

This animation really had very little going on in the story department - we were required to make an animation with a walk cycle, a run, an unusual walk, and so many other various animation dealies. In other words, it's very much an exercise and not so much a focused animation. I really wish I could have gone further with this one, but I only had a few weeks to toss it together, as opposed to the 14 weeks I had to make my [Popular Music Game] animation.

Just want to say thanks for reviewing every single cartoon I've got - it's no small feat! I'll be sure to let you know as I make new cartoons. You're one of my favorite viewers, and I always enjoy reading your reviews. And don't worry about a new cartoon - I've got a few ideas stewing around in my head I'd love to make!


the thing that makes it funny is its lack of logic, i really enjoyed watching it.
good job

Battosai810 responds:



This is great. It makes perfect sense. Also, Jafah.

Battosai810 responds:

Glad you liked it duder