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Reviews for "Strawberry Clock RPG 5"


This isn't so much a game as an interactive short.

omkay O.o?

I have just one thing to say;

WTF!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 8/10 because the animation of the super attack was pixelated =D

Lol @ the crews

[Begin tl;dr]

You know, it took me nearly ten years but I've finally goten over my "rage" at the audacity that is the clock crew and their inane ability to produce sheer volumes of wasted bytes.

Today I realized... You know what? It really doesn't matter if there are "crews" out there, filling the portal with crap. That is the purpose that the portal serves - to weed out the garbage and the chaff, and leave what is good to get placed in positions of grandeur.

The crews will always be around, peddling their nonsensical putrescence, but, occasionally something of value rises to the top of the slurry.

This is one of those rising-to-the-top-of-the-slurry-thing s.

I don't know why, but I find this flash unbelievably entertaining. Perhaps it is the commentary on the typical RPG - the overblown takes-20-minutes-to-execute "special moves," the absurdity of shooting 30 rounds or a holy-crap-asplode rocket launcher at an enemy and having them fall to the earth in a heap, only to rise again, with an arbitrary number floating over their head, ready to retaliate with something equally absurd, such as a stampede of smaller versions of themselves or some fantastical dinosaur thing, or perhaps it is just the fact that no matter what i do i simply [emphasis, please] cannot die [/emphasis, please], but this, while simple and 'crappy' by 'elitist crew haters' standards, thoroughly entertained me.

Or, it could simply be the fact that it's midnight, and I should really go to sleep.

But I digress, I did not come here to wax philosophical on the merits and short-comings of the clock crew. I came here to provide 'props' and 'hollas' to the individual that finally made me realize the futility of becoming angry at the actions of a few anonymous individuals on a website that takes in submissions from every corner of the tripple-dub.

The true value of this monster of technology is that there is the freedom for people to create the likes of /b/ and newgrounds portal spam.

'Keep it realz, yo, home slice' and 'don't let the haterz bring ya down.'

/A\V/ -viros

[End tl;dr]

Oh, and kitteh krew still does and always will suck. They're just worthless =)

fullmetalchaz responds:

You said quite a mouthful, I guess your used to that kind of thing.


Short, if it had kept on going then it wouldve got boring so you ended it well by doing it fast. Still I wasnt expecting the limit overdrive... LOL!!

Great RPG

This game is awesome. The suspending idea of a character like strawberry clock combined into an RPG was like a dream to me, and now, here it is. Great work. It is appreciated that you contribute to clock day. And now...


Just your name already tells you as a noob. If not, then your comment automatically proved you're a fat, dumb troll otherwise. Slamming a zero on a very good game that you could probably never in your life match in creation. Also you check that little checkbox when you READ AND UNDERSTAND THE REVIEWING GUIDELINES AT THE BOTTOM OF THE REVIEW MAKER!!! You gave no reason to post something so exclusively stupid. I know this a bit long of a message, but I don't appreciate noobs and trolls who spend their time as assholes posting useless shit in the reviews and chat. Nor does Tom Fulp, who has set solid rules about this. So, to put it simple, go fuck yourself!!!