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Reviews for "Fight the Movement! ~P~"

I'm sensing EBF vibes all over again.... ^_^ Or perhaps that's just me.

Right off the bat: lovely instrumentation. One thing I notice about this loop is that the sections could stand to have a bit more buildup between each other. Intro and 0:12, 0:24 and 0:25, 0:36 and 0:37. Quick fills work best with a gradual change of buildup (slight increase in loudness, slight instrument layering), but between these sections I marked out, there needs to be that EPIC TRANSITION that gets heavier and heavier and heavier until the drums come in... and then BACK TO SECTION A! I do agree with RealFaction about melodies -- and possibly countermelodies -- this might help smoothen the transitions.

0:50 has my favourite chord progression in this loop. <3 This gives me a little bit of a feel of something from Jak II. Here, because it was gradually getting louder, the transition to 1:13 was smooth.

Alright as is, but do see to it that those extra tweaks be thrown in. It's mainly got to do with 1) smoothness of transitions, 2) counter-melodies. I trust you'll see to it! ^_-


Phyrnna responds:

Thanks for the review! :D There is definitely a lot of work needed on this. >_<

Thanks for listening to the song nonetheless!

This reminds me quite heavily of the boss theme in Adventure Story... I'd say almost a sibling song to that. It sounds polished and well-mixed, but I found the melodies and chord progression quite repetitive. Frankly, not your best work IMO.

This is an NGADM Round 1 review.


Right off the bat you've got very suitable instrumentation. Rock and orchestral are two things that fit together beautifully, and here's a good example of that. Your melodies and chords are very indicative of some sort of boss battle, making this excellent game music, along with the fact that it loops perfectly! I enjoyed your chord progressions, and you've got a strong main piano melody - I would've liked a lot more melody development on the piano but for a loop that's less than 2 minutes, it's not too much of a problem. Excellent structure that works well for a loop, decent transitions, and a good intro.

However, I'm afraid I have to say that this is by far not the best I've heard from you! Everything in this feels like it's "by the book", so to speak - there's nothing that particularly stands out as unique or interesting. This kind of music is very reminiscent of RPG music, which you really do well, but when I'm judging stuff for a competition, I judge how well they are as a standalone song, not how well they'd fit in a game. The production, on the whole, is crisp and clean, but the track occasionally sounds pretty weak and bland mix-wise, which would be fixed with more detailed mixing/EQing. And hey, it's pretty short, so it's lacking content. It's developed very nicely for a small loop, but if you made some long, progressive orchestral/rock ballad of sorts, with more melodic development and dynamic variation, it would work so much more to your advantage! Hell, even a longer loop would work; going for an approach NemesisTheory's Rose series took - more power, more development, more originality, and still a boss battle loop like this, would have also been a good idea.

That's my opinion on this track. I've heard better from you, and this needs quite a bit of polishing and touching up, but it was a pleasant listen overall!

Score: 7.2/10

This is an NGADM Round1 review.

A fun piece to listen to! I really like the mood you create here, though it sounds somewhat generic. The strings are wonderful. I like the "band" type feel you have going on even with the strings. Production quality is decent - I like the piano a lot. The loop is pretty seamless, great job with that.

While this piece is fun to listen to (and quite catchy!), it lacks substance. The main chord progression is nice, but definitely overused - you need some more variation! Guitar sounds worked, but I feel like the could be mixed a little better. This song is missing either vocals or a strong melody over the top. I think that would help this really shine. Good job overall!

Score: 7.5/10

personally I think its great, wish I had the talent ya have, it follows well, the repetition is a little much, but it's something put together well, really does need some variation, to the whole, but its good keep it up. your making a good way for your self,