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Reviews for "Epic Coaster"


i know this is a game that is very used and blah blah


How can you call this epic coaster when it's nothing but a straight track with jumps? Roller coasters are supposed to have loops, corkscrews, ect... this was just... boring...

...and as others have mentioned, a very, very old concept for a game. The coaster thing was an opportunity to breathe fresh life into the idea, but you failed at that. Hard.


first of... Eye of the elite this is NOTHING like Canabalt in canabalt you go faster and faster here you dont + in canabalt there are explosions and obstacles they arent here its just a jumping platformer. And second... its boring and too easy...


gets boring real quick

Not such an original spin on a classic concept...

First, @Neccko: Whats wrong with that? well if I were to just reskin mario that would neither be original nor worth the 10/10 you gave this. This is just a reskin. Not particularly noteable about any unique feature, being there aren't any. A rollercoaster remake of canabalt has been done a hundred times, and not only does this version not stand out, but it is below par. Whats the point in playing this one when I could play another one?

To sum it all up for you, "nerds like that" are providing good feedback. Nerds like you however, tear up and whine when an opinion doesn't match their own.

Now what exactly is wrong with this game?
Here is my main issue with it; there are only horazontal peices of track. It would be greatly inproved by adding loops, or diagnol peices, or maybe some object to dodge instead of just gaps.
My next issue with it is the graphics. While they look nice, they interfere with your sight and, for me atleast, hurt my eyes.

So in otherwords, add more then just horizontal pieces and change the graphics a bit. With that being said, I would defanately play a version that was updated.