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Reviews for "Spectrum TD"

Great Game

As always the artwork is amazing,love the fell of the game,and my I say it,It should get game of the week.Bravo man,bravo.

3D-xelu responds:

hehe.. THANKS! for the kind words... it's too crappy for the game of the week =( i'm glad you liked it :P


This was a very enjoyable game, however, it got very repetitive. I think you should be able to have the option to press the 'next wave' button more than once to send out multiple waves at a time. But all in all it was a fun way to spend 2 hours. :)

3D-xelu responds:

hehe... thanks XD


I had a problem when there were too many towers, the game became quite laggy. Also, there was a glitch which allowed me to have unlimited gold. It simply said "NaN" for gold, and I filled the screen with sniper towers at level 3, and made a line of the other towers at level 3 along the middle for fun. I took a screenshot of it, but I'm not sure where to post/send it.

3D-xelu responds:

hehe.. yeah we know about the NAN problem... and we are trying to fix it :P also.. use imageshack for photos

Great TD

This is well done but as said in other reviews, somewhat unbalanced. The first boss is somewhat overpowered (and maybe the second as well), but bosses after that seemed within kill-able range. The armor concept in this is good, though i noticed nothing really had much armor, even the last boss had none. Graphics and Sound effects were great and complement each-other well.

As for things to improve upon...

Bug: the goo splat "tower" that can be placed on the road seemed upgradeable, but no cost or bonuses were there, and after selling one, i could not place another in the same space.

Bug: I believe that the bog tower says it poisons, but after building one the specs read slow % splash.

Bug?: In-game, one enemy managed to pass my towers with 2 hp remaining. I decided to build a iron tower (the colorless one) to stop it from costing me a life, yet it just ran by it and my tower did nothing! I believe this is due to towers not "getting ready" to fire until an enemy is in range, personally I see this as a bug but if it was intended, for whatever reason, then my bad.

Bug?: The acid towers can reduce armor below 0, but not -10. My guess is that this was intended but I only realized that it stops at -10 after I built 20 or so and maxed them out....

Bug?: The range and attack "boosting" towers do not stack with themselves and i noticed a tower receiving the lesser of two range boost towers when attempting to stack effects.

Improvement: I noticed that the end boss was immune to slow/stun/etc. I believe having enemies with immunities is good, and more so when bosses lack immunities. all bosses besides the last were not immune to effects and that made killing them possible, but perhaps some non-bosses could get immunities as well. and maybe when a flying enemy is stunned, it loses flying status till it recovers (though that might be taking the idea a little too far...). But one thing I would for sure think about adding is info on such immunities in the "incoming waves" bar.

Improvement: I see that some are complaining about re-playability, so I thought I should throw some ideas out there. First of all, the color concept is great, but complete-able in the first go, I feel that if more towers were made, that getting every one of them should be difficult to do as should completing any game. Another thing is the style of this TD. Ive played many TD games but they generally fall into 1 of 2 categories: Arcade and campaign. Arcade jumps right into the game, relying on the players skill to achieve victory, while Campaign has some sort of EXP system and generally lots of maps, Campaign relies more on time and experience with that particular game to move on. To be honest, I kind of prefer Arcade, because in Campaigns, once you win or unlock everything, your done wanting more...

Improvement: The music is great but it starts to feel monotonous after 20 waves or so. I did notice the change during bosses though and that is good. I would add more music and allow the player to change them at will mid-game. Also mute button mutes both music and sound effects, I would make 2 buttons, one for each.

Sorry for the huge post but I felt obligated to review this...
Well, thats all I can think of, and 9/10 for great but not perfect. I hope I get to see more from you guys.

3D-xelu responds:

Thank you for this awesome review... we will check those bugs and probably come up with updates in the near future , again , thanks a lot for the review and for the awesome score... this REALLY REALLY helps :P


its good, but it has little replay value, and like other people say, few sprites etc...

the goo bug, and i found another bug... somehow i was able to start the game with money reading "NaN" and i had unlimited money... even after i bought my color twoer and everything

3D-xelu responds:

Yeah.. we tried hard to fix the NaN money bug.. but we can't find the source of the problem =(((

at least it makes the game a bit more fun :P i hope you enjoyed it