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Reviews for "Awh, Chute!"


Not good.

Decent art.. and.. um... I like newgrounds?

Ok, the artwork was decent but that's about all I can say. The music is annoying by the end of the first play through which lasted less than 1 round of the game. Theres very little control over your character, there's far too much crap to hit, far too little you can do to avoid it, it doesn't seem to matter if you hit the target or not, the points you get to counter the points you lose do not even nearly equate, you constantly lose score, yet you can't HALOjump in this game like you can in other skydive games. I will congratulate you on thing though. I've been on newgrounds for a VERY long time and I've never seen a frontpage game catch so much hate on such a regular basis. Seriously, I'm looking and the entire first page of reviews are all zeroes and they date back as far as 3 hours ago. If they were all at once I'd say you got trolled, but.. I agree. I made a lot of games like this back when Klik 'n Play was the hot program. We're talking mid-90s. A lot has happened since then and you should try again. Seriously, take solace in the face that you got on front page and just try to do better next time.

The bottom line, it just isn't good.

The whole "avoider" genre isn't one of my favorites, but I've seen them done right in the past, and I assure you that the low score you're getting isn't due to genre bias.

The graphics are... well, okay, I guess... and the music I suppose could have been worse...

And unfortunately, that's the closest thing I can come to in regards to this game's good points- the gameplay and the mechanics behind them are both complete disasters.

First and foremost, in an 'avoider' game, I'd like to be able to avoid things. It doesn't matter if you're falling at light speed or might-as-well-be-levitation (and I'll be saying something about that later), you either have no time to react to anything and thus smack into anything that pops below you with no warning, or you simply plow through an insanely thick cloud of birds, hanggliders, and balloon kids that you cannot possibly avoid on a consistent basis due to the fact that most of them charge straight into you.

Now, moving on to the speed. The moment you open up that parachute, which is a requirement to win, you move at an AGONIZINGLY slow pace, which you can't back out of at all. From there, all you can do is wait, and wait, and get plowed into by a good 80% of everything onscreen, and wait, and wait, until you FINALLY make it to the target. At which point you suddenly and instantly shoot into the ground as if you were fired from a gun, throwing off anyone who's trying to land on the bullseye.

The scoring system needs a serious overhaul. It is completely useless to do tricks because on the offchance that you don't slam face-first into at least five birds in the process, you, on the best of trick runs, MIGHT score 11 points. While your score is counting down at the rate of about 40 points per second or more. What is my incentive to do tricks or score pickups (or even worry about slamming into things I'm not supposed to) when the rewards and penalties are such pittances? The only thing that's worth trying to do is landing on the center of the bullseye- landing on one of the outer rings scored me a completely staggering (by comparison, of course) 2,500 points!

And finally, you did not think mouse control through at all. Doing tricks with a button that will not do tricks and will instead bring up a menu on my browser? I'm sorry for the rude tone, but seriously, what in the hell were you thinking when you came to that decision?

This game needs a SERIOUS overhaul before I would ever consider playing it again. May your next game be thought out better than this one; you've really got nowhere to go but up from this.

TrueDarkness responds:

You are probably experiencing the menu/trick bug because you have a MAC or some other retarded operating system. If you have any type of an actual mouse with a LEFT click button, you'll know that you can perform tricks by LEFT clicking, which means, NO MENU comes up.

And the thing that you said about the score. It makes plenty of sense.
Say you are doing a trick. You hold it for awhile, and boom, you get 30 points. Then, out of nowhere 2 birds hit you, boom boom. You just lost 30 points. Now what you're saying is that doing the trick was useless because the points just got taken away by hitting the birds. Wrong. If you hadn't done the trick, that is 30 MORE points you would have lost, so in the long run, despite the score decreasing the entire game, you are actually gaining those 30 points. Doing tricks and collecting the score diamonds absoloutely helps you increase your final resulting score. No idea what you're talking about bro.

People are over-anaylizing this game, assss newgrounds usually does. But I am highly enjoying all the hate reviews. They are quite entertaining. =]

the game wan pointless all it did was make me mad

the game wan pointless all it did was make me mad

It is unplayable

It might just be me but the objects, both positive and negative, are impossible to aim for. It's basically pure chance