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Reviews for "Titanomachina"


Oh, man! This such a nice video.

Thanks for doing it!

Pure awesome talent

I don't know what it is about videos with litte to no words and a nice soundtrack, but they explain more detail in a story than any regular film I've seen yet. And this video was just so good that I can't even think of anything at all to say about it... just absolutely love these stories!


loved it!

That's a lot of cans of whoop-ass.

First and foremost I just want to let you know how much I love all of your work here on newgrounds and at your own website.

I'm a fan, so maybe my opinion here might a bit biased, but I have to be honest.

For those of you who have never set eye on Sakupen's work before, yet like giant robots; you'll be pleasantly surprised by this short and sweet movie.

For those who DON'T normally care what they're watching yet just want to be entertained; this movie will fulfill that purpose for you just fine.

For those who HATE giant robots; you're probably looking up the wrong genre of flash for you, but this movie still has a chance of turning you into a fan.

For those of you out there, who like me, have loved giant robots their ENTIRE life
(Wave your Daitan, Jeeg and Voltron flags everyone!!), this movie will complete and inspire you.

The combat scene gets a 5/5, your hand has improved SO much at drawing since walk-smash-walk, its incredible, however, Saku, you retain your own style, because I can see astounding similarities between Nohta-mutuay and the giant robot from your debut flash movie 'walk-smash-walk'.

This is your style and its awesome to see how you have retained it whist contemporaneously improving it.

You also get 5/5 for detail from me because you seem to know your shit, or, you have done your research.

I'm impressed because I speak Italian and I know for a fact that Ultima Speranza literally translates to 'Last Hope' in Italian; a VERY apt name for the role the giant gladiator plays in this movie.

What have I left out so far...well you go the extra mile most people don't, because you actually co-ordinated your own back ground music, which is really impressive, the fact you left out sound effects is a good thing because it doesn't block out the wonderful music going on in the background, so its not a negative at all from this point of view.

One thing, the last move Ultima Speranza (love that name) uses looks like it is right out of 'One Piece', the animated series which features Monkey D. Luffy, who can incidentally stretch his limbs, matter of fact, I can recall one specific episode where he jumps onto a pirate ship and decides to commandeer the vessel all on his own, and then proceeds to kick one of his feet sky high and then sends it crashing into the deck and through the bottom of the hull in a display of dominance; yeah, Ultima Speranza uses an astoundingly similar attack.

I'm not whining or bitching, I just wanted to point out how imaginative it was to come up with this, as I've hardly seen such stuff, and to be honest, watching Ultima Speranza do it as a coup de grace was mind-blowing!

The ONLY thing I can say against this entire piece would have to be from a theoretic stand point, because knowing the way you work, I will have to already assume that you won't make any sequels to this, which sucks, a lot.

Only saying this, because the only thing you have made into a series was 'Dad's Home', don't take it the wrong way though, I've got nothing against the way you work.

But who knows, maybe if enough people go through the bother to write up a decent review, you'll somehow be inspired, eh?

(I know I'm not supposed to say this here, but I still haven't forgiven you for Dad's in Overtime :P )

Keep up the good work, you have a supporter in me!


its good and the graphics better with the music and the story it should be like a sequal and its fantastic so keep up the good work.