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Reviews for "Bad Inventions #2"

uh this is pretty crappy

all you did was resize the drawings in a pop-up bubble style and pass it off as animation. there was actually little to no animation througout the whole thing which makes me wonder why i heard it had good animation... but thats not why it wasnt good, well it is actually, aside from the story that didnt really make any sense. the end rake part was good though. and the music was good. the constant poppy-uppy animation (am i making sense?) was very annoying though


what kinda retarded baby-talk language was that?


mommy like da bydi bydi baby? abufhwabunabu!!!!



Very un-original

I must say, I was expecting something much better.
The animation was blotchy in some spots. The plot you claim you thought of as your own thinking inspired by Tex Avery and Loony Toons. Seem more like it was inspired by Ron Dyblekker ("Moronic Inventions"). I do not belive you thought of a hoe-rake on your own. It was too similliar to Moronic Invention's plot to be considered original. The animation is in no way like the Loony Tune animation. This is not just my opinion,
but rater the opinoin of many others. More like a Copy of Mr. Ryan Khatam's Animation, which is inspried by Spumco. Similliar, but stylized to his liking and for stick figures. (The scene where he flips the rake is simply the same as when the figure flips his bat in "I Like To Beat Things With My Bat" By: Ryan Khatam) Your animation is definitly a copy of other peoples work. I must say, the original creators of your animation must be displeased. Although you made it, I could not enjoy it because of the fact that I had seen in too many times before. Therefore I vote a rating of "0". I hope that you, and your animations are banned from Newgrounds for breaking one of the few, simple rules required to be part of this web site.

P.S. I am right about you cop'ing Ryan Khatam. He has been doing it for years (before he wen't to Newgrounds)back at his old geocities site-98'-.