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Reviews for "Metal slug: final SC"

This turned out much better than mine.

I did a practice run with Metal Slug sprites to see how the programming would be and I have to say that I think yours turned out better than mine, but it would still need a lot before I would consider it a good dress up/scene creator.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

It looks like if you made these yourself that you didn't really do a good fps as the animation ran very quickly on the sprites. That being said, I know how easy it is to find Metal Slug sprites already animated for you on the internet and if you used these then they obviously didn't agree with your fps either. I suggest playing around with that so the animation slows down just a bit.

Other than that you had a really good set up. The stage could have been a little bit bigger, but it wasn't too small by any means. (Still suggest making it a little bigger) It was nice to see the Metal Slug logo in the beginning and the interactive button on the menu was a nice touch. :P

~ Story/Content ~

Ha, it's not really possible to give a story to a dress up/scene creator game so that won't be the focus of this section of my review. The generic Metal Slug dress up. It seems to be what everyone creates when making a game like this. I've done it and I have friends that have done it. Metal Slug is just a good place to start I guess.

I suggest having a bigger flash stage all together so you can fit each character and then have their duplicate facing the other direction. This way people don't have to put the character always facing the one way. On top of that it would be great to duplicate all of the characters so they could be used multiple times if at all possible.

Another cool thing to do with these is to add moving backgrounds. Especially if you have Metal Slug sprites because they always have that truck and helicopter that you can choose from. If you have one of the backgrounds with a road or sky tween from one side to another and then put into a movie clip so it loops then it makes for a great animated background. Something to think about if you ever revisit these again. :)

~ Audio ~

The audio came on too strong on the introduction. I much rather it fade in on the first time through so it wasn't so sudden. On the menu section the song looped really badly. It was hard on the errors. :P I suggest finding a slightly longer song to use or a song that loops much better than the one you had.

On top of that the song that you used during the game got kind of repetitive after awhile. I suggest making something like a music select or a music menu where the viewer can choose what song they want while creating their scenes.

~ Overall ~

These are great to practice with and easy to make. (I know I do them sometimes) There just isn't much for the viewer or player to do. It gets boring quite fast and there's just little content at all. I feel to make these successful you have to really make them big by adding tons of games, songs, characters, and backgrounds.

Score is based off of a god honest truth of how it could be better, but trust me what you had was pretty good. I just know that you can make it better and that there was a lot of room to make it better. Keep on working and I'll get to your other submissions as the days go by. :)

~ Review Request Club ~

EventHorizon responds:

wow, this is a really well done and helpful review
I must admit that some sprites that were more complicated to do the animation I've already taken on the Internet, but most I did and if you look carefully also noted that some errors of movement, the speed of the sprite I adapted all to "23FPS".
You're absolutely right about why backgrounds had to be bigger, maybe I too thought the sprites because I made too many, I wanted it all-style metal slug so I chose the original music of game and even if the repetition of the first non-music this worked I did not care.
in short, as you said that flash was for practice so I did not care that everything is perfect, what I created was enough for me because I'm working on larger projects.
I love your reviews because they are really detailed and helpful, thanks for your advice.
==excuse my english==

It needs more

I like the way that you've got a decent set of sprites used here, complete with traditional moving parts from the Metal Slug genre. What gets to me (in a similar way to Fro's creator) is that there is no sort of program to turn this into either a living comic book, or some sort of a movie. Like I said to Fro, this is something I did use on a basic PC some 15 years ago, so it isn't beyond the realm of doable.

A decent set of music, settings and characters give you some good basis for the piece, but unfortunately, it is a little limited, with only the person that is watching, or those looking over their shoulder can really tell what is going on.

I'd like to see you take it further and give us these parts of the program that other scene creators cannot reach.

[Review Request Club]

it has potential to be a good scene creator, however its one flaw albeit a very large flaw is that there aren't enough sprites that attack to the left and that's a little disappointing. i would like to make an epic battle but most of the sprites all point in the same direction.