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Reviews for "<blank> (0m41s)"

You did a nice job here.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

The animation was pretty cool. I personally like the wobble effect of the lines in flashes when it's properly done and I think that you did it great here. That being said, I might be disagreeing with Coop below me, but I do feel the thin lines were great and I wouldn't want to see this solid. Sucks when you get reviews that contradict and tell you to do opposite things doesn't it? :P

~ Story/Content ~

Sometimes it's nice to see a story with these, but it's really not necessary. The thing that bothered me was the lack of content. It started off great with a lot of things going on, but then it just ended way to soon. I would have loved to see this video go for somewhere around two minutes. I'd suggest adding much more content to this for it to get a better score.

~ Audio ~

The animation was synced well with the song. I guess now that I think, it was the song that limited how long the flash was. Perhaps picking a longer song would be very beneficial or maybe using several different songs added end to end.

~ Overall ~

Very good for the small amount of content that you have. I would suggest trying to find a longer song and animating to that so you can have more going on with the submission.

~ Additional Comments ~

What the hell was up with the right click/play at the very end of the submission? :P

~ Review Request Club ~

Surn responds:

I guess the wobble effect could be debatable. It took some considerable work so I'm glad someone appreciates it.

As I said before: If you choreograph a short song the product will will be short. As for incorporating a story while others have done well without a plot (see:http://www.newgrounds.com/portal /view/486347) I'll be sure to keep plot incorporation in mind.

True, a longer song was better in this case but I've been wanting to choreograph this song properly for the longest time.

In a nutshell I need to:
- Make it longer
- Incorporate plot

-Additional Comments-
Those were left-over frames from the production of <blank> consisting mainly of guides and things edited out. I found with my short "Eyesoap" (which I removed because of a low score) that when I left my left-over frames in a "scrap" scene it made something freaky so I decided to do the same for this.

Thanks for the positive input and constructive criticism, I appreciate it.

Animations and sound fit together

The song really reminds me of "Brother John" (or "Frère Jacques"), at least the beginning notes of it.

I think you've done a good job animating to this song. The movements on the screen fit pretty well to the song.

However, I didn't like the wobbly effect of the lines. Reading through some of the reviews I think some people like this effect, others don't so I guess it's up to you if you want to continue using this effect or not. ^^
Anyway, I don't like the effect as it easily looks as if not much effort was put into the animation.
Now I don't want to say you did not put effort into this flash, but the "wobbly effect" always leaves the impression for me a flash artist didn't care too much about how the flash looks. So that's why I don't like that effect.

Overall it's a very nice flash that fits really well to the song you chose to animate to.

{ Review Request Club }

Surn responds:

It looks like some like the wobble effect and some don't. One could see the wobble effect as more "natural" as opposed to perfect straight lines. But still, you make a good point. If people are split on the wobble effect then it probably isn't worth the effort to incorporate it.

Thanks for your input.

Nice and Simple

-While not the most interesting music to use as the base for this animation it had that odd sense of just pulling you into it with the beginning notes. The song stays rather consistent and doesn't leave you much to work with in the long run since it is less than a minute long.

-The animating fit nicely with the song which is the best thing going for this animation considering it's so short. There were tons of things going on at the start but you just seemed to run out of ideas towards the end when everything was enveloped by the alien head thing that came out of the screen. Wobble is okay for me but it was a little overdone and the drawings could of come out cleaner.

-Review Request Club

Surn responds:

"had that odd sense of just pulling you into it with the beginning notes."
Interesting, Wonder how I could replicate that effect again.

"seemed to run out of ideas at the end"
The "alien head" consumed everything, giving me little to work with.

"Wobble is okay for me but it was a little overdone and the drawings could come out cleaner."
From what people are saying it sounds like if one uses the "wobble effect" they should not use it as much as I did.

Thanks for the input, it was helpful.

Needs more content

Hmm well i thouoght this was way too "SHORT" the music was really nice and pleasent and it seemed to fit what was going on with the visuals, but again i felt it was just too short and seems like you could have put the effort fourth and really made this into something awsome more then what it is, dont get me wrong its pretty impressive even as short as it may be, by adding more content and more of a story with "BLANK" in mind you started it off great with these odd characters and such, but again just short lived and too short, now as it is black and white thats pretty cool, i think you could have added abit of "COLOR" even if just a touch, so with all that said, things that could make this better are ofcourse more "CONTENT" more of a story, abit longer if you will, and then some color not alot as to take away from the Black and white style but something that has just a touch of color, so all and all i did enjoy this, it was just too short, and needed abit more ump to it, good luck on your next entry.

so adding more content and more of a story is a plus, but also Black and white flashes are notbad, but while its black and white, you Should add some color even if just a drop of red or blue here and there, like say a blood drop so that the Black and White reflects more it would be a nice, and would standout abit better, and improving on your Black and White animation, anyways good luck

A very short flash, could have been much better, but it is decent for what it is.


Surn responds:

I guess the main thing was that I was itching to choreograph the song. It goes without saying that if you choreograph a short song your production will be short. Even so it's still a good point that I should try to look on (nobody would rather eat a fun size chocolate bar). As for the content and color: content/plot would have been difficult (but not impossible) add yet the color would indeed make it look better but it would have needed more than "just a touch".

So to recap I need to:
- Make it longer
- Use color
- Use plot (though I might be able to get away without it [see:ANIMUTATION])
- Overall try harder

Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.

Short but sweet...


I'm biased, but I really like the white on black aesthetic.
The drawings were appropriate for the film, and the animation was pretty
solid, everything seems to have been done "frame by frame"...

The way the music was synced to the animation was well done,
although dynamic sounds would have been really cool.

I guess the one big flaw was it was too damn short, I would have liked to have seen
more stuff happen.

I like your work it's unique, "artsy" if you will.
Hope you keep at the craft!

- Celx

Surn responds:

Thanks for your input.