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Reviews for "Days of The Dead"


This wasn't worth the effort of making, the units were more like robots than skeletons. The aim wasn't necessary i mean, the power-actual hitpoint ratio was way off, you always shoot WAY below. As more complained: the upgrades suck ass, the enemy's do not get more damage with either better arrows or magic, the only upgrade that was useful was the wall hit point but that just got wrecked as well.

Nice try, but not worth the effort of playing.


At first I tought "Hmm good game" But than I tought "hmm Wall is to expensive to buy (WTH DUDE 1500 dolar-_-' I got per round about 200-400:S) and than ther was a problem at wave 10 orso that There was a guy wich I couldn't hit... SO I COULDN'T WIN:S HE JUST DODGED MY ARROWS OR SOMETING... Thats when I thought: "Hmm not a good game... Will only give it a 3/10 and a 1/5"


Okay many problems. First off, as it has been stated, you cant kill something if its at the bottom at the wall. Secondly, the aiming system is shit. Its really inconsistent and just makes hitting things more difficult than it should be. Also the archers are extremely annoying, mostly due to the fact that if something is in front of them they cant be hit. And I think that Boars and archers deal too much damage.


Doesn't suck like hell, i had a little fun playing this but money isn't generated fast enough. I wasn't able to get gears strong enough and there was always at least one dude hitting on my wall. Overall it was fine but i didn't like the spot where one monster gets there and you can't kill it. Personally, i didn't like it. Others may have liked it better but imo i wasted my time playing this

Just another defense shooter. Barely.

The good things:
- The graphics were decent.
- The game was slow but played through at a reasonable pace
- It's free to play.

The things that I didn't like:
- Not enough variety in enemies. They all moved at one of two paces and except for minor visible differences, didn't behave or do anything differently.

- The experience system was COMPLETELY pointless. The only thing under your own control that you could get experience for was ACCURACY. Mine was generally between 85 and 95%...hurray. It seemed that items were unlocked based on how much experience you acquired (or maybe it was by day..all I know is that after day 13 I was informed another item had been unlocked). So, since, give or take a few points per day, experience came at a FIXED RATE...why bother?

- The inventory system was CUMBERSOME. If I buy an item, I have to go to equip it..then go back to the shop, then click through the appropriate buttons to find it to sell it back... there was no reason whatsoever to keep your older weapons. It's not like Black arrows seemed to have a special bonus against something different than green arrows...or that the war bow had a higher chance of critical shots than the twin bow despite the twin's higher damage... the ONLY thing that made sense to hold on to and/or resell were the items themselves....of which there were like 5.

- The magic system felt underdeveloped. I barely upgraded my capacity or regen rate, spammed the freeze spell, occasionally used meteor, and NEVER needed anything else. Venom seemed pointless...it's only use was hitting people on the VERY bottom before they reached the walls... which is another complate.

- The archer has a blindspot that if any humanoid enemey gets into it...you lose.

There are just barely enough resources given to you throughout the game to do anything, which does, I grant, make you sit patiently and pick and choose. The cost of the "Repair entier wall" was unbalanced...I beat the game only being able to afford to upgrade the palisade once...the upgrade all feature didn't even become cost effective until there was more than a THOUSAND damage...which meant you had to invest 3000 to upgrade the walls....and that 3000 just bought too much other stuff to ever be worth it.

I can tell that a decent bit of work went into the game, and I don't want to completely rip that apart...but it wasn't thought through enough to be made a versatile game with options. There's a lot that could be streamlined, a lot of features that could be added, and a lot of things that make no sense whatsoever the way the game is set up now. I DID enjoy it for about 30 minutes of my morning, but I have zero desire to ever replay it. Better luck on the sequel.