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Reviews for "Leo & Satan II"


great ending, loved the satan character


It was perfect sequel, and I can't wait to see the next one lmao


I like how you didn't rely on the short bursts of angry insanity that were in the first one. Not saying that those weren't hilarious, because they were, but this shows your potential to develop your work instead of relying on one formula that works and thus does not need fixing. Very very well done sir. Please continue to make these.


this was sooo funy. cant wait till the next one! defintly a favorite. perfect 10!

Enjoyed it !!!

It was great and funny.

I loved more satan's voice in the first one 'cause it sounded more innocent, like a pure child... and THAT is the greatest creative achievement I really loved.

This movie play more with gags and content... the fist was just "awesome" , thanks to the paradoxical, yet simmetrical, figures (the pure child and the "pure" satan)

I 'd like more jokes according that way, even thou I like experimentation.
Great job (voice are too good, please take 'em good care)