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Reviews for "Robotic Emergence"

Balance needs work

Upgrades are rather cheap but so are the cheap factories. Numbers are the key in this game: simply spam the cheap factories till you run out of space. Too easy.

If you want to force players to make real strategic choices, road pathing isn't enough. To me it's just a pretty lame jigsaw-puzzle-ish problem easily overcome. If you make certain upgrades global (e.g. extra HP for all pyramid robots) then players will have to choose between building factories that already have the upgrades and also trying to fit all the factories together with the roads and what-not.

Good for a Short Romp

Reasonably fun, though it quickly becomes apparent that the AI isn't that difficult to defeat as long as you make a factory, max upgrade it, and repeat ad nauseum until their wall is dead. I managed to get through the entire campaign with no damage to my wall with this strategy, which the AI really should have had a countermeasure against. Heck, as I write this, I'm two hours into endurance mode and the AI still hasn't managed to get in a single hit on me, which leads me to believe that the AI just isn't anywhere near efficient enough in the placement/upgrading of its units to stand a chance against any decent strategy.

Overall a fun way to kill a bit of time, but I really would have liked a bit more of a challenge out of the game.

Good start, needs content and balance.

This is looking like a very fun game engine. I really like it, because it has a lot of potential. It is pretty fun to play, and fool around with.

However, my problem #1 is: too little content. There are just 5 levels, which is just too little. I would really like some sort of world map with regions (which are levels) which I have to conquer one after one, choosing what civilizations to attak, which territories to take. Maybe you could even add some sort of permanent upgrade system based on points you get for conquering regions, and special bonuses (like.. unlocking factories!) for conquering the right territories. This would fit the story and make the game fun for a longer time.

My problem #2 is balancing. Zerging is _far_ too strong. I just beat every level by just cramming as many small pyramids into the place (maybe adding some dark huts to get some roads below the main road), upgrading production rate and after that upgrading random things (usually, range first for more damage because more bots can shoot). After that, the enemy just gets overwhelmed. Even EMP cannot save them in that case, because ALL bots die and I produce more bots faster than he does. I think this results from the lack of area of effect damage to counter such large numbers of stuff and from too little benefit from the better bots. In fact, most larger bots are just bigger smaller bots (like, the tank is just a large shooty robot, while the mummy is just a small shooty bot, but those 5 mummies I can produce for 1 tank kill the tank thanks to overkill and too little fire rate of the tank), so overall having more smaller bots just offsets the statistics advantage of the larger bots. I'd like to see something like starcrafts psistorm added, or suicide bombing robots which can take out hordes of smaller weaker robots efficiently, but suck against bigger robots with more health.

So, overall I am going to vote for some 7/10. It is no clear 10, because it feels mostly like an engine demo due to length and balance, but it is fun and has potential.

However, I'm looking forward for a second version of this game and if it comes, I'd volunteer as some sort of beta-tester, I guess :)

Pretty good

Its a good concept and a pretty good game but it just takes no thought and is a little too easy after beating the first level.. to beat every level after that all you have to do is mass the small pyramid guys and then you always win, it takes no switching of what kinds of robots you use or anything, it just overall needs more tactics and more variability!! good try though


Good story line and gameplay, but some sprites are copied, there is no restart button, environment only seems to work against the player non against the NPC.