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Reviews for "Robotic Emergence"


i dont know what these ppl are talking about, if anything this game was too easy!
wish there were achievements, I played through judgment city for 1600 seconds .... racked up quite a bit of money too. anyways, it was fun while it lasted.


Very awesome game concept. Would be a perfect 10 if you change a few things:

-Make it multiplayer-capable.
-Make the Survival mode more challenging.
-Add scoreboards for fastest complete, perfect clears, etc.
-Add more levels.

As it stands, this game is a sweet little demo of what could be a great game. Nice job!

nice game

It's a nice game, but the introduction is WAY to long and moves very slowly.

You should also make more levels and make them shorter. It gets pretty dull and boring even though you are winning.

Far too easy

I started endurance mode three days ago. And it's still running, I've so far suffered no damage to my wall and don't expect to. A trick to that is to give the computer the option of expanding it's space past my limited space. So it can have an infinite # of factories, (you could make it cost like 1000 gold or something). This would eliminate the infinate endurance loop that I'm currently using. 44750 seconds and counting (5/30/10 8:53 AM)


Allright, its been far too long that I've been playing this game without giving you some kind of reprimand.
Yes, that is the right word in this case. Why?
Because you had a good idea, but crapped out in the detail.
The tutorial is smooth, explains everything and at first, the AI seems difficult to outsmart.
However, once you realize that in order to beat each level progressively you HAVE to use the unlocked factory, its easy street.
Also, In endurance mode, the AI only seems to ever make a maximum of what, seven factories? I suppose it would have taken a lot longer to make the AI smarter or something, I'm not too sure how it works (I can't even make flash games).
Apart from those few faults, I found it very amusing and very technically engaging, like for example, you're getting owned because the computer has two factories and you have one, right? If you spend money on the right attributes of your bots (even if they are the same as the enemy's) you can make an incredibly fast comeback, yep yep, everything you upgrade does actually have an immediate and TANGIBLE effect.
That factor alone adds a wonderful sense of control, especially when you feel like you're being over run.
One thing though, 80% of the robots you can choose to create are made completely redundant due to the fact that the game can be literally beaten using only the pyramid bots obtained after the first world, making the use of the other factories purely a personal choice.
Sometimes the controls are unresponsive, especially when you try to upgrade an attribute, it won't register until you move the pointer away from it or unless you click several times, though that may just happen when the screen is overloaded with robot sprites (hehe pyramid ftw).
What else can I add? You could have included more weaknesses, you could have added more bots, maybe more weather conditions, but I'd only be repeating what the previous 200 or so users have suggested, so instead I'll just let you know that this game is a blast and if you were to make a sequel, but somehow keep this concept alive in it, that would be very successful.

PRO-TIP : In case anyone missed my previous hint, SPAM Pyramid bots and nurse bots FTW!!!