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Reviews for "Robotic Emergence"

Fun game, I want to see more.

The glitches that I am aware of people already have mentioned, so I won't waste time on those. I found it fun, a little easy sometimes (except for the twilight level, that one took a few tries). The endurance level is too easy as people have mentioned. Set it up so that failure you probably going to happen eventually (maybe give the computer like twice the building area so unless you have some really good strategy down you will eventually be overwhelmed.

I think a sandbox mode would be really nice too. Where you can set up the starting area sizes, initial roads (the ones your factories can build to), starting money for computer and person (make it so you can give one or the other the advantage). Even have it set up where you can build the factories for the sides before starting (I am just curious what would happen if I went up against 5 fully upgraded tank factories with just a swarm of fast producing weak guys or something like that). Just so you can experiment around with different battle types. Even choose what weather happens, etc. etc.

Overall a fun game and well done. There aren't many games I can think of that work exactly like this, some similarities, but enough tweeks to make it a new game. I hope to see more.

Great game, awful backstory.

Honestly, no need, just make the game and run it

Loved it

Great game!!!!!!!!
only problem I had with it other then being too short, was that in endurance mode before I had taken down the 3rd level, I built a army of robots that they couldn't get past, and I never took damage >.> so yeah might wanna amp that up =)
but seriously, nice job

A Decent Take on the Strategy Game

The Good:
+Music was decent for most maps
+Units had their unique uses
+Road system made for some strategic placement
+Game was fast paced and easy
+Lack of detailed storyline allowed for "straight-to-action"

The Bad:
-Music was of poor choice for 1-2 maps only
-Enemy AI (EAI) used the EMP way too much
-EAI stopped building factories after a while
-Endless mode needs a counter, leaderboards, or something that can be used to entice the player into actually playing the endurance mode.
-Weather effects were hardly noticeable
-Being able to upgrade without having to have the factory on screen would be nice
-Game was beatable with using only 1-2 types of factories
-Tower overview (top right GUI) was not readable/worthwhile to have
-a "Final" upgrade would be nice, as in, get all 5 things upgraded fully to make a super-factory (with like 120% all), something to make upgrading rather than spamming factories useful.

Overall, good game:
Complete LP with Commentary on my channel:

robscherer123 responds:

Hey man, awesome videos of my game. :) I love to see people playing and enjoying it.

Stay away from mah wall, robots!

Loved the simplistic art style, the music was nice and relaxing, and the game was quite fun overall. It did have it's problems though.
I don't think I need to mention the endurance mode and its lack of difficulty beyond the fact that I literally got up, went and ate lunch, and when I came back my wall still hadn't been touched.
Many of the factories seemed too similar so most of the time I only varied the factories I built to make my base more ascetically pleasing. Each unit should be wholly unique whether that means they have greater differences in stats or even just a different way of navigating the battlefield.
Roads were also a problem because I'd end up taking up a lot of space just because the starting road wasn't at the right position for the factory I wanted to I needed less useful factories just to get the road where I wanted it. If in the next one (please do make a sequel! I complain about the game but that's only because I love it so.) there could be the option of building roads if at great cost and time.
I need to talk about the storms. Those blasted things were far too inconvenient at times as usually they would ONLY strike my bots and it got to the point where I couldn't even get a single unit on the field as they would be immediately struck the second they exited the wall. A way to improve this would be to have clouds be part of the map and have them hovering around so when there's a storm the lightning will strike under where the clouds are. You could have them move across the map so that way it will have more of an even coverage of the battlefield and generally seem more like a storm. Lightning isn't supposed to strike the same place twice after all. Also if there were clouds on the map then some units could be like giant fans and the player could use the storm as a weapon forcing the opponent to spend precious resources on upgrading his robots to be lightning resistant.
Also something I would like to see if another game is made is some sort of on the field tactics. Grouping some units together so they would attack as a group or ordering others to hold position to ready against a large enemy attack. Just something I can do with my troops so I'm not only messing around with the factories.
Well I'll be looking forward to a second game if there is to be one and until then I'll still probably be playing this! Still a lot of fun after weeks of playing.