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Reviews for "I Said NO"

I have no idea what to think here.

I'm really badly on the fence here.

One one hand, the actual animation was pretty nice. Smooth movements, good lipsyncing. From a totally technical standpoint, this was pretty great.

But then there's the whole stylistic thing. As much as I know people love animoot'd costumes and no undershirts and vests that don't drop below the nipples and stuff, I have to say that the character costumes did NOT fit the scenario. That sorta thing would work in, say, a fighting animation/tournament, or some fantasy setting, but c'mon...

These were two people in the "real" world, just outside Disneyland. It's just too odd of a juxtaposition and it hurts all 6 of my senses when I have to look at it. Have then dress characteristically, but REALISTICALLY. The girl, Jessi, could have had a striped tank-top instead of that odd fantasy-shirt, and the guy could have been wearing a hoodie and a blank undershirt. It would have conveyed the same character to me, but would have been quite a bit easier on the eyes.

Besides this, the characters were not very well done. I'm pretty glad you're looking for a Jessi replacement. Better mics always help, too.

Also, the cameo wasn't terrible, it was just overdone. Cameos should be short... like if he just was able to say "Just in case one gets dirty.", it would have had a better pace.

PROS: Smooth animation, reasonably solid humor (I chuckled a bit, especially at her deep-voice breakdown)
CONS: Really convoluted character outfit and design, mediocre voiceactors.

Hope this helps. :D

LovelyKouga responds:

Honey this was a really well-thought-out review, and I'd like to clear up their outfits for you a little too.

They ARE fantasy characters, and are originally starring in my own graphic novel. Jessi there has magical abilities but has little confidence in herself, Riley does not and instead uses a knife and limber reflexes for fighting and protecting her.
This flash...is for the lulz only, really. >.>
A hoodie and such just...really don't fit Riley's personality. And all of his clothes are based off real clothes I've seen in shops and such (liek the red jeans and converse high-tops). He views himself quite highly and as a 'bad-boy' (whether he is one or not is open to interperetation XD)
I've put a lot of thought into these characters, but sadly it doesn't show in this flash. On DeviantART however, with my art I have a whole world created by me, with several different races and magical beings.
I really appreciate hearing how people view the characters, from the outside perspective, as on DeviantART all my watchers have learned over time about all of this.
Thanks so much~! And I really do mean that!

i like fish

the only anime ive rly liked till now is hentai =P. but this is a good change.

LovelyKouga responds:

Haha hate to disappoint you with mostly male shirtlessness!


Calm down a bit there, Redfeather08... anyways, I'm not particularly a fan of this kind of style and your jokes don't reach out to my kind of humor... but I'm going to have to look passed that and give you a seven. Nice job.

LovelyKouga responds:

Thanks sweetie! I can fully understand the adversion to the anime style, as it is not a part of Western culture and has a certain reputation among a lot of people (namely that it is full of pre-pubescents who obsess and are annoying fans).
I'm glad you have the maturity to see past all of that and appreciate it, regardless! <3


Good animation with characters, voices could be made more annoying (if ya know what I mean) and I would work on the background, quite honestly I thought they were horrible, but great character animations!

Excellent quality

Hm, animation is getting better these days...