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Reviews for "Ubergrounds"

needs work, seems like it was too rushed

the proximity of the death lazer is a lil too wide out and pico moves much too slow, also there's not croutching?

sorry but pico can to A LOT more then that

Ugh. Seriously?

The game looks amazing, the art is mindblowing but the programming is shit. It's like playing Metal Slug if it came out for the Atari 2600. Worse actually.

~There's no diagonal shooting, fine I can deal.

~There's no crouching, Major nono. Especially once the boss' health is almost halfway gone. I'll explain next.

~The Jumping is shitty. You need to not only time when the uberkids are going to shoot (Which is random and may never happen) but you need to be head and shoulders higher than normal for the collision to make it count.

~Collision. With so much shit going on I have no idea what the fuck was going on. I have 2 uber kids on either side of me a landmine (WHICH WITHOUT DUCKING OR DIAGONAL SHOOTING, OR PROPER JUMPING IS A SURE FIRE WAY TO FUCKING DIE IF I'M BOXED IN) The giant ass laser kills me when I'm only inches away from, the uberkids can shoot and if I attempt to last minute jump if my invisible shoelaces get hit then I die, If I get 2 steps away from the landmine I get killed...

I can go on and on and on.
It's obvious that this game was rushed but... Hey at least it looks pretty.


Good graphics, + for that.
Nice sound effects + for that.

Short, Very difficult, controls not customizeable.
And, not many trophies (even when it's fixed)

ShizzleCreature responds:



but that's all it is... is just good. Few more power ups, maybe another enemy. and I suggest that, to just make it longer. More health, longer signs of when the boss attacks, and to not have everything 1 (or two) hit kill.

Ah good game, the artwork is great, and the gameplay handles fine. But just so much room that coulda made it awesome is all l3; Nice piece :3 *votes five*

good art

but still just your basic game nothing really that new and you can say i have no life because i didnt read the author comments