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Reviews for "I wanna be the flash game"


I'm finished i wanna be the guy and i don't remember the spike hit detection being so bad, in fact in floors full of spike if you aim just right you could stay there without dying, i also noticed that there was some rooms without any traps and others with the exacly trap one after the other (room after piramid-head guy), those are not very "i wanna be the guy" playstyle.

Other than that its a pretty good hardcore game and it was fun playing a game like this again.


This game kinda pisses me off D:
Although, it did keep me busy for a while and that's a really good thing.

The game bugged for me and ran through the whole game. I got 5 medals out of that

A broken game at its finest.

I'm not going to complain about the difficulty and level design, that's just fine the way it is. It's excellent really! But the controls, platforms and poor scripting is no excuse. This game is pretty damn awesome. I can't deny that, with many worlds to explore, impossible levels to chip away at, and awesome music. So yeah, the scripting majorly hurts it, but it is still a good game. It's just really broken.

A good try, but a few things...

Overall, this was a very nice flash-based take on I Wanna Be the Guy, and I'd imagine it's about as well done as a flash version could get. However, as I'm sure it has been pointed out before, the bugs are a problem. Also, moving with the platforms instead of having to walk with them would be a nice thing to try.

My main criticism here is that the volcano part of the game is a prime example of what NOT to do while designing a game. You've got an annoying screen (the air cannons, or whatever they were), followed by a genuinely challenging and fun screen, followed by what is essentially a luck-based mission. The upside-down volcano shoots at random, making the whole thing a basic guess. This wouldn't be as frustrating with proper hit detection (the 'turd' projectiles have an extremely large hitbox) or with a nearby save point, but that isn't the case. The fake save point directly after this screen is... well, that was a bit of a jerk move, but I should have seen it coming since it WAS pointed out (regardless, a real save point before or after the volcano would've been neat. Probably beforehand).

Again, the game was made to be difficult, and that's respectable, but you have to stick to difficulty that is purely skill-based rather than luck to avoid needless frustration in the player. There's the 'good' kind of frustration (a player unable to overcome a challenge) and the 'bad' kind (that challenge being an example of poor game design or the game being highly cheap/buggy). Regardless, good job on the effort, and on the whole, it's an enjoyable and addictive game. Nice touch with the ending (don't want to spoil it, but let's just call it an example of Chekhov's gun and be done with it).


The entire thing is so fucking glitchy, the moving platforms defy physics and you can fall through them.