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Reviews for "I wanna be the flash game"

Okay srsly guys...

I understand it's not IWBTG... I've played IWBTG, and it's not the same game... But there is a HUGE difference between being a knockoff, or a clone, and being a tribute... This is a tribute (it uses the same character, and the same kind of storyline, not similar ones, the SAME ones)... or to be more precise it's an expansion on the idea... IWBTG was about changing your expectations of platformers... As a gamer we take a lot of things for granted... Spikes kill you, platforms and walls are set in place unless they are on a fixed a predictable cycle. These are things we KNOW about platformers. IWBTG changed all that. Words could kill you, spikes might be your only platform, and everything can be done with enough repetition.

Every game has it's own set of rules, and we, as gamers should understand that there are no necessary rules... In essence a background image may fall from the sky and piss you off, er I mean, kill you.

That being said, this game was a good tribute. I like that you expanded on breaking our expectations, but you did something that is a SERIOUS no-no in gaming... Artificial difficulty was QUITE abundant. And what I mean by artificial difficulty is, the fact that you have to run to keep up with platforms, sometimes you would randomly fall through a platform that before was a perfectly tangible platform, and there was no indication of a change, and occasionally your double jump would just give out... For no reason be gone...

I understand that these reliabilities are something that gamers have come to taken for granted, and we come to expect that, if we can double jump once, we should be able to double jump all the time, but this was a poor way to show us... This was it comes across as glitchy, and unreliable. A better way would be to have an indication that our double jump is gone, or that that platform is going to go all ghost on me... I just didn't like falling through a platform that I had just been standing on...

In the first few areas of the game, there was this pit... with three spikes that rotated so that you could jump on them... This was a good idea. The spike rotations were long, and there was no pattern... this was a bad idea. That section made me angry because it teemed with artificial difficulty. I couldn't predict it, and on some setups it was just plain impassable.

It was good, I enjoyed it but, if you want to tribute such a good game you need to pull out the artificial difficulty and add some more REAL difficulty.

its okay

there are a few bugs like falling through platforms and also not being able to double jump but good

This is not original.

As a freeware junkie, I have seen many, many flash and download games. This one is a knockoff of I wanna be the guy, one of the most notorious games in history, and I am not sure if this is the same guy, or a theif, but I hate knockoffs. 1/10

Kept my attention

The game wasnt too bad actually, u wanted the game to be difficult and you did that really well haha. Very frustrating game but it kept me occupied for1 hour and 12 minutes. The only real big problem i had was the flashy bit with all the spikes on top of squares, the 3rd room after pacman, If you go to the very top right of room and jump up and right, the game glitches? And my person vanishes, now im not sure if thats where we are suppose to go but yea..

looooove it !!!!

I #$*#$#*ing love you guys games like this make my day i'll definatley be recording how to beat this and put it on youtube you should make it harder!