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Reviews for "Curse Village Reawakening"

Good, but far from great

Too glitchy for my tastes. On multiple occasions, I found myself shooting the same zombie as it was trying to fall, especially if it was in a crowd (mainly with rapid fire weapons).

The upgrade system also seemed weird as the values for the upgrade and the weapon never added up, so I was confused as to what the true value of the upgrade was.

it inst bad...

but it gets old too fast, just point at the zombies and hit left key a lot.


its a good game but on location 35 there are 3 blue shirted zombies that dont take any damge no matter what i use and when they got to my character the level didnt end and all the zombies disipered

The gamplay has some major flaws

This game has some big flaws:
- The store: I don't like being forced to buy every weapon! They are expensive, but most of them aren't useful so I have to waste my money on a lot of junk to get a good one! But the zombies are getting stronger as fast as if I would free to buy a decent weapon against them!
- The zombies comeingso fast in so big bunches that they cannot be picked off one by one. This makes all the guns useless becouse only the meele weapons can hit multipe (I mean lots of) targets! And of course the meele weapons are much more expensive than the guns, so you must spare the money for them to get the better ones in time. (This means you can't buy a single gun - maybe the Luger but nothing else!) I had to restart the game so many times becouse I didn't spare well enough!
- If you did a wrong buy you are totally screwed, becouse there is no way cancelling it! The game should autosave only after the battles and never before them so if you are defeted you may spend your money some other way before retrying the battle!
- And finylly there is a minor bug: you can accidently downgrade your barricades!

It looks like the last stand..... with powers.