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Reviews for "Curse Village Reawakening"

A little stale

This game is mediocre on its own, but the Zombie Defense is pretty much its own genre, and there have been some excellent titles to come out. The only thing this particular game adds to the mix is the telekinesis, but that actually part of the downfall of the game.

The telekinesis allows you to use melee weapons at any range. This pretty much removes any point to using the firearms as the melee weapons have good damage, hit multiple enemies on the screen, and do not run out of ammo, letting you sit back and click the mouse over and over on one spot in some levels, and you won't suffer any damage.

Though the graphics and music are quite good, and the framerate is rather smooth, it wasn't enough to detract from the repetitive sounds of the weaponry.

The enemies were pretty much all the same as well. Some were faster, some were stronger, but it didn't match between any particular model. These attributes were swapped between the various zombie models so there wasn't any cue to watch for. Though it didn't matter as all enemies were dealt with the same way.

The actual gameplay itself was something that's been done plenty of times before, and done better. The upgrading mechanic wasn't that great, and you could only upgrade each weapon once. The survivors didn't help too much once you got a good weapon, and the traps timing was so long that I had all the zombies on screen killed before they became of any use, and then more simply flooded in.

The story was non-existent. There was zero reference to why this character had telekinetic powers, who he was, why he was running about killing zombies, why the zombies were there, and the ending was entirely anti-climatic and handled in such a way that it felt like you didn't really do anything whatsoever.

In the end, the game is quite lack luster. There was nothing about it that popped out, except an excuse for overpowered melee weapons that acted like guns, except with wider swing.

crappy but OK

anyways the story is crap, the zombies looks more ugly as normal and it's so f***ing easy... just do only melee... The Lightsaber is the best weapon... and the guns are so slow and weak..
But in the end no waste of time!
+ I like zombie-games based on Last Stand ;D


This game is teh foshizzle.


really fun although it gets pretty hard pretty quick after like 2 or 3 levels

My opinion

I don't get what the others are saying about lag and glitches. The game runs smoothly and it's pretty good, in my opinion.

The game just gets kinda weird for me because from a zombie power of 30 it suddenly jumps to 80. And the other alternative is 40. It's almost impossible to beat. Why bother giving choices if the second choice is gonna be that hard anyway. But other than that.. I don't see any other major problem. 8 out of 10 for me. Good job.