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Reviews for "Sellout - LordOfTheRings"

it's good,funny but........

Tolkien would NOT be proud, he'd laugh then sue u....just sayin.....also,as a LOTR fan, i just have to say this,UR A DISGRACE TO THE MOVIES AND THE BOOKS!,that wasn't funny, i mean it was but it wasn't, i am finally done,YAY

sirjeffofshort responds:

Haha, I expected some of this sort of backlash. I assure you everything in this cartoon came out of love for the original material. When we came up with the series we were like "Okay what would totally piss us off if it happened to these movies" and then went with that. haha.


boring and not funny, animation was pretty though


I don't care if Warner Bros. hired you, this is absolutely boring! I've seen a child's stick figure comic that was more epic than this! And doesn't Warner Bros completely suck now? I mean, I don't think they have made a good film sense I was like 10! I'm sorry! But other than the mind-raping boredom, the animation was not bad! Better than what I've been seeing! 5/10 for animation alone...wait! -1 for crappy humor too! 4/10

sirjeffofshort responds:

No hard feelings man. I can totally understand if our comedy isn't for everyone. I just can never understand why people can't treat each other decently as human beings over the internet, but such are the pangs of anonymity, the ease of being rude to make a point, and the human desire for attention be it positive or otherwise.

As for the Warner Bros. thing, it's just a meeting amongst several others, and I was in no way trying to brag (although I am at least somewhat proud of my accomplishments, as I believe I have a right to be). I merely thought it ironic one reviewers use of the phrase "epic fail" (an all too common internet coloquialism that has really lost all meaning) to describe my cartoon, a phrase I might reserve for something like the Holocaust (to which I genuinely hope my cartoon was not equally painful for the reviewer haha), and being as the cartoon did in part help me to further my career I thought it might just be downgraded to plain "fail" rather than an epic one.

Anyways, as I said I can understand that this cartoon may not have been for you, perhaps in the future you will find one of our cartoons more to your liking, or perhaps one of our many other cartoons from our previous "Sketched" series, and if our humor just isn't for you, again no hard feelings.


You had the animation, and...that's about it, sorry. I just felt that there was no humor, and if there was, it was forced, and of course, I liked the Lord of The Rings, so I find this kind of aggressive to my current stand point. If you really wanted to touch on something, maybe you should have brought up the point that they could've just flown to Mount Doom on the Eagles, that way it would have been sort of a short funny, so you don't have to worry about doing too much.

I'm not sure

the hands artwork was really distracting because they always looked like they were gonna slap a ho. the comedy was decent though.