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Reviews for "Pyroscape"


Yeah... Pretty funny. I liked the, "yeah it doesn't make sense, just go with it" attitude. Most of the jokes were pretty lame, but I think that adds to the charm. Actually laughed when you "escape" in the dorm room at the beginning while holding a bunch of random irrelevant crap. I almost quit when I heard the awful "the doors on fire" line, but you know I'm glad I didn't. Certainly this is trash. But its good trash. Snake? SNAKE?! SNAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEE... heh... you make this for a class or you guys just fuck around with this kind of crap for fun?

Fro responds:

This was made purely for fun. I'm happy to see that the majority of users understand that and find the humor in it. :)

One of the hardest reviews I've ever written...


I've been contemplating as to what score would be appropriate for this submission.
I was originally going give it a six, then after much deliberation with myself decided a seven would be more appropriate.

You game is ambitious you have various mini games, sadly they all seem to work in either a mediocre, or poor fashion.

I've broken up my issues with these parts of your game separately:

This portion of the game works well enough, but doesn't have some things I would have liked, perhaps using the flash password would have made the gameplay a little better. To be more specific having the user look for a password somewhere in the room to open a box that contains the solution to get out.

Because honestly going on a "click quest" for different items has been done to death.

The pac-man portion of the game worked pretty good, but again could have used some extra touches to make it better. Such as using the hide mouse actionscript command to make the cursor a pac-man icon, or making the enemies more dynamic, instead of just movie clips following a path.

Lastly you want to make sure people can't use the right click menu, because it makes it really easy to cheat on levels like that.

Zombie shooting:
This was really really poorly done, since you can't lose, and the targets are extremely easy to hit. It was funny, but from a gameplay perspective is was terrible...

This one wasn't bad it could have used additional lanes though, because it was a little easy...

It was obscenely hard to hit any of the clouds, because they moved too fast, and the button "hit state" was too small.

The video segments were solid so no problem there, and the humor was lighthearted, the sound was pretty clear too.

It was an extremely ambitious submission, not that great from a gameplay perspective.

However the reason I'm still gonna give you a seven instead of a six, is because you got a bunch of people to come together, and create something as a team.

This submission embodies the best aspects of the newgrounds community,
that's worth an extra mark in my book.

- Celx

Fro responds:

Sometimes people need to realize that some submissions are made not to be a good game, but instead just to make people laugh. Most of the people do understand that for this submission, but not all.

(Talking about the soon to be sequel below)

The room game is much better this time and I bet even some of the better escape gamers will have trouble with this one. I even forgot what to do and I helped make it.

I love how people complain about the airplane part because the guy who made the walkthrough for this game (it was inevitable since it's on over 160 sites now) click the clouds so fast that they barely appeared on the screen. It really only takes 1 click for each cloud and it's rather easy as long as you have any sort of timing consistency.

For the other parts, we realize they were too easy, but that goes along with the humor part. There are actually people that requested us to make it easy because it was about the jokes.

Thanks. :) I always enjoy the negative reviews as much as I do the positive.


always when i beat the airplane mode and crash in the building the game always restart!except for that great game.untill that bug is fixed 7/10 and 3/5

Fro responds:

That's not a bug. It's called the end of the game.


it was ok.... oh and btw the secret meddle is kliking the water bottle near the closet were you get the board from. Also if you want to skip the pac man thing just right klik on the screen after you klik "klik me" and then scroll your mouse through every thing and klik at the end (directly across from the begining).

Fro responds:

im sure this review would be helpful if the word klik was a word


how can we see the item we taked

Fro responds:

Visual memory