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Reviews for "The Flood Runner 2"

I would have played longer than 2 mintues

Literally, two minutes, but the double jump and glide mechanism just pissed me off. Didn't like the responsiveness (or i mean lack thereof)

finaly found a better game than usual

this wekks games have been horrible. i finaly found a good one

god game

god game guy but you shold try to put bonuse in minor suicides places and when you are in a too much hige place you dont have any way too loock down to see where are you faling like some times im just fall down just because of these thing soo thry to fix tha bug and then i will give you a ten ok guy

Very addicting, too frustrating

The game's great fun. The simple controls mean I can happily play it on my laptop and while the only thing to do is run and jump, as has been done before, you've done it with quality that makes it extremely entertaining.

Audio/Visual kicks arse. Love the sound of the wave chasing, the slow-mo surfboard, and the little treats of different colours and characters - very nice.

The part that lets it down for me is that the greatest factor of your score is those randomly spread, impossible to plan for gems. I've run for 30 seconds, got my multiplier into the 20's, hit the 10,000 bonus gem and got a score that couldn't be matched with only running and bad luck. You barely have enough notice of gem positions to react to hit them, let alone plan how early/late to jump for the best score.

I really do like the levels of the game: the high, double scoring, gem littered area with few platforms but lots of ramps, the starting level with large sections and an even mix of traps and rewards, the slightly lower parts that will catch you if you mistime a jump, and seem to have more gems/boosts, though always smaller and riskier - and my absolute favourite, the rare platforms just above death level - if you're paying attention and you're about to die you can sometimes scrape back up. Very good game design.

I feel the traps become too frequent too soon. It gets to the point with collapsing platforms that if you jump once, chances are you won't land again. While I appreciate the rise in intensity, it's almost pushed it to the point of impossible, meaning if you haven't had good luck with the gems by they time every platform either falls away, has oil, a rock or both then you've got no shot at a decent score. I'd rather have less pressure on me and fuck up in my own time, as in a game as fast paced as this, wouldn't be too long.

For all the little things that bug me, the fact is they're little things that are bugging me, and for me to care about them means that you've got me that addicted by being awesome overall. GREAT GAME!!!

very good

great game no joke