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Reviews for "WHOOKOS Beta: Epis 1"

sure why not.

It was alright. Although it didn't take any thinking probably, considering most of the lines and jokes are predictable.

However, I see that TheKazeblades review was marked as useless. GODDAMN IGNORANCE. THAT WAS THE BEST REVIEW HERE GODDAMN


...& u won't feel ur nutts till tommorow

Solid... Not Outstanding

I've been a fan of your flashes for some time now; however, I feel as though this one was a bit rushed. From what I saw, here's my opinion:

Animation: 6/10 Tweening can work, when used in moderation, and for subtle details. it is excellent for machines movement, etc. however, the most professional flash videos I've seen utilize greater amounts of frame-by-frame. I'm sure you're tired of hearing that by now, but I feel that it will increase your work 10-fold. Solid art direction, very colorful, and simple. I feel like you made a good choice in keeping the details somewhat to a minimum.

Story: 3/10: This was the area where I felt the flash could benefit from the most improvement. I realize that this story is about you guys in your younger days, but every joke utilized in this in this flash made me react in one of two ways:

1. Groan at the cheesiness (again, I realize what this is what you're probably going for)

2. Cringe at the awkwardness. The hot tub scene was pretty painful to watch.

You used a lot of cliched archetypes which hinders both the story and the effectiveness of the characters. When I develop characters, I find it helps to draw out a character map of the character's motivations, likes, dislikes, etc. this can help create a more fleshed-character that feels real, not like a shell, and makes the audience root for them or relate to them. Considering you grew up with these guys, I know you know them extremely well, but it could always help to interview them, ask them what they would do in different situations so you are able to achieve an authentic character development.

Sound: 5/10 There was a lot of fluctuation. One thing that I've always felt has been a major issue with your animations is the voice work. You guys sound very monotone. I've had similar instances when I attempt to record myself speaking or singing. It's almost like having a mic adds extra pressure. In my case, I over compensate and try to act to calm and collected, which leads to a very monotone voice. You and the rest of the cast need to be willing to expand your vocal ranges. Something that helps greatly is when you really put your body into it. If you watch voice actors for movies, you see their hands and bodies are always moving. It really helps you get into character. I know you are playing yourselves, but it doesn't feel like it when you speak. It is another factor in which the characters feel very empty.
Another major place that needs work is your comedic timing. There were a couple of jokes that would have been more successful if the delivery and timing were a bit more on the nose. Be willing to have short silences and continue to watch a scene while you're animating it over and over again to find out where dialogue feels natural. Something that came out immensly here that has always been an issue is that dialogue either comes a bit too late or too early and it throws off the flow. I can't really explain it, it's something that my ear's just become trained to.
Also, I know you guys aren't all in the same location, but it would be immensely helpful to invest in equipment that is the same for everyone. Everyone's mic was different, with differing amounts of white noise and sound quality. I use a Samson condenser mic, and it gives fantastic results, though I'm sure there are cheaper alternatives. But this is one place that you may need to upgrade for all of your voice actors.

You've got awesome ideas, Scoot. They just need some honing in. Maybe you were pressed to get both this and A.E. Chronics out on the same day, or some other third party issue interfered, but I feel that more focus could have done wonders. Frame-to-frame animating and more honing on the timing of dialogue alone could have made the flash much much better. Can't wait to see more, and I wish you the best.


This is why YOU are my favorite animator on Newgrounds Scoot :]

Eh, could use work.

Now, I know I shouldn't be talking, but I'm going to be honest, your work has gone downhill with this one, it's the worst out of your two current series.

Animation: 2/10
The drawings are okay, but you used the circle tool to make their heads, don't deny it yes you did. That's just lazy, no matter what kind of style you drew it in.
DON'T, and I repeat, DON'T USE FUCKING MOTION TWEENS(Or whatever the fuck you call it in flash)It makes it look like "MY FIRST FLASH" - By Jimmy, age 12.

Also, at least try to lip sync.

Voices: 10/10
Voices are good, no background noise at all, and from the bloopers I can tell you did TONS of cleaning up.

Music: 9/10
You didn't get permission from Less Than Jake and you fucking know it, don't lie. I would have given you a 10/10 if you didn't say that. Also if you did I want actual god damn documentations of this shit, a band that big keeps stuff like that.

Plot: 1/10
It seems like the generic high school kids plot. God damn, it's like I'm really watching The Weekenders and 6Teen.

Overall: 6/10
Audio is great, visually not, and story wise FUCK NO.