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Reviews for "Hippolyta"


I felt this was simply frustrating. maybe for me it would have been better if I didn't keep dyign at the large jump in the first level but oh well. I personally got frustrated of dying. I'm sure its better later in the game but I will never be able to see that because I keep dying.


bad game, simply because you have to react extremely fast and jump at the exact right time. 3 stars for the graphics/sound/idea though.


The game was beautiful. Loved everything about it except having to play it.

Graphically beautiful, but annoying gameplay

Quick time events are the bane of gaming. Any time I see a game use a quick time event, I see a designer with no imagination. "Instead of putting in gameplay mechanics with depth and skill, we'll just put in mundane, simplistic button pressing." The story is interesting and graphics are well done, but someone else should have designed the core gameplay. The graphics also tend to get in the way of gameplay as the busy foregrounds and backgrounds will get the way of spotting key elements in the game. Also, the reliance of sound as a warning indicator tends to limit the game and also assumes only a particular group of people will play this game. Those that are deaf will have a much harder, if not impossible time playing this game. Anyone that tends to be either highly visual will not be able to effectively play this game. The music is good and voice acting convincing.

The sections are too long with no inbetween resume points, so you'll repeat many sections of the same level for one silly mistake at the very end for no apparent reason other than to artificially lengthen the game. For a main character that is suppose to be a badass warrior... they tend to die very easily for the silliest reasons. The mechanics tend to embarrass the rest of the game.

The currency in the game (Amazon Points) doesn't really do much and the game could of done without them. The new modes don't add that much and everything else that is unlockable is superficial in nature. Yet another bane of gaming, achievements and moronic obsession with unlocking elements of a game.

It is just another reflex button pusher game in the end. It's tediously repetitive and tries to create "difficulty" through "obscurity", which only tends to just annoy the player and take away from the game. Good story, good plot, good graphics, and good sound all wasted effort in the end.

While the authors are skilled in graphics and audio, they would be better to leave game design to some else.

It lagged so horribly...

It lagged so much I couldn't lower the quality. Every time I treid the computer froze up.