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Reviews for "Hippolyta"


This is amazing.The music, the theme an everything is suc a great idea. Good job, mayb a little too difficult though.K


I really like this one. It's one of the only games you can get better at by playing.

For me the biggest trick was learning what all the diffent characters say so that i know in advance what's coming. This got my through the first four levels, but in the last level, with the dying and the dude chasing you yelling all the time, it's impossible to finish it on hearing alone.

To this point i haven't found a way to pass a soldier placed conviently close to a tree...

Wonderfully crafted

I've been playing this for a few days now, and despite the difficulty, I keep coming back. The graphics are top notch, and the gameplay is quite fluid. The voice acting is simply astounding, so I do give full props to the voice actors brought onto this project.

The story is fairly simple, but very well told. It just embodies Greek history really well, and lives up to the many tales and myths of the Greek golden age.

The obstacles and enemies are well designed, and its a challenge and a pleasure to discover how to evade/kill/block them all. The only problems I had were when something would attack just after I had to duck, due to the time it takes to sit back up in the saddle. Usually resulted in a gory death.

The artwork is very Greek, even down to the mostly nude main character. I'm sure an escaping Amazon with no access to armour would prefer to fight naked rather than in the robes we saw her in the intro movie. Though I should point out most slaves would have been naked to begin with, so it fits really well. The red paint on her body and face is very Amazon, though I wonder where she got it, unless its blood.

The sound was not only helpful for upcoming attacks, but also a pleasure to the ears. The sound of arrows whizzing through the air, or the clash of bronze weapons on shield. It simply fit so well.

All in all, this is an amazing game in all categories. Very well put together and executed. While the difficulty could be toned down some to make it easier on some players, I realize you were going for a reaction and reflexes game. Well done.

Reading your response to another review, I very much await Hippolyta 2.

The idea...

How you tell a story is just unique. Never saw a game and a story combined like this. It's a one of a kind idea. Hope you make some more.

Evil-Dog responds:

thanks dude, Hippolyta 2 is in the pipeline :)


At first i thought it will some kind of Achilles spiritual continuer - and it is, but dozen times better! And GODS is it hard! But i will beat it! Only one level left! Ha-ha! And um... I cant even imagine how hard hardcore mode would be...

BTW (WARNING! SPOILER!) The Narrator comments in some situations are just hilarious. It took me about ten minutes of pure laughter after my first death. So unexpected and equally funny!