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Reviews for "Stick Slayer Episode 7"


Jebus, no matter what Ben does. everyone's gotta find some little thing in his movies to nitpick at ("OH NO! Pico died! 0 for you!").. anyway
Graphics - Very good, everything was amazingly well drawn, especially the scenery. The 3D-like-graphics were, much like the whole movie itself - Utter greatness
Sound - The music was good, the voice acting was also good and seemed to fit very well also
Interactivity - If I press Replay, I can watch it again.. sweet
Style - Your drawing style is like no other i've ever seen, and that's a great thing. It's most likely something other artists will be inspired by, and the movie itself, while seems so simple.. Actually has an existing and decent storyline, and the appearances of other NG characters (was this an attempt to make the "NOOO YOU KILLED ESKIMO BOB" people happy?.. either way, it was great!)
Violence - Lots of violence, even the blood was done very well!
Humor - It seems like you purposly inserted "cheesey" comments, not that it hurt the shear greatness of the movie. It added to it! all the comments were quite amusing, especially the "Oh no i'm gonna die!" remark, haha.. (P.S. All the clock cameo's were amusing, too)
Overall - Most possibly my favorite flash movie on NewGrounds (and ofcourse, my favorite series), everything was done so well. I almost think it'd be impossible to improve anything, I don't know what else to say.. I'm in shock after watching that.. you need a side-effect warning on this! Great job, Ben Spurgin.. I'm very sad to hear that it sounds like the series may be coming to an end, but you deserve a break after all the amazing pieces you've put out for this community!

it's ok

but at times i couldn't understand anything they said cuz the background sound was to loud, after listening three times i understood everything nice work though, and the cameo's of pico and such were pretty cool too :)

Not bad

This is not bad, be good went ya make some more

ha ha

"By the power of the portal I AM FULLY ANIMATED!!!" such a lame quote but quite funny.. heh heh.. the animation was just incredible... if only i knew how to animate like that... damn... how do you make your 3D objects? And how do you come up with such a great storyline.. damn Yo.

Mmm... Cheesy

Perhaps the corniest flash movie ever produced ("Say hello to my little friends") but in a good way. Nice animation and sound. It's definately a style thats unique to Ben Spurgin. The inclusion of other Portal characters was cool too.