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Reviews for "Air Pressure"

It's good, but...

I'm probably going to be the only person to write a not so happy review, but here goes!
I will have to admit that I also, like everyone else, enjoyed this game. With that said, there are several flaws.
1) The story line seems choppy at times
2) Some endings don't make sense. For example the hospital ending, what happened? What lead him to be in the hospital?
3) Was the glitching fuzzy thing with the girl really supposed to happen?
4) What's the story with these two anyway? Sure we get that they've been together, but what lead to their "togetherness". The main character even hinted at this question, but it was never fully answered.
5) While the song was very good, and actually reminded of music from Chrono Trigger and some of the original Final Fantasy Stories, there needs to be more. One song for 3 endings is pretty boring.

I have to admit, today I am not in the happiest of moods. I've got several personal/family problems to deal with, and.....well this story actually put me in a better mood! So to you, the author of this game, I give you my applauds..

Maybe you should redo this game or even better, MAKE A SEQUEL!!! Fill in the gaps of this story, with another version.. Your possibilities are endless!


My nose itches.

I myself have struggled with opiates, off and on here and there. Going to a highschool filled with rich pricks and petty drug dealers doesn't help my fight much.
just today I had a minor episode wherein I caved into my itch.
Watching this reminds me that I have a choice, and no matter how hard that my past clings to me, I can still change my future.

Awesome game. I really loved it.
especially how it only ends in three ways, but there are seemingly innumerable ways to get there, its true to life. It really is choosing wether you want to live, or numb your way into a slow lonely death.

I spent a good hour playing and reflecting on this game, I wish that I hadn't read the reviews before i played it. It kinda ruined it shock factor for me.

very great game but

it makes me feel sad i can only imagine if some1 just went through a bad break up and played this game that would b like salt in the wound

God, the memories!

I've never had to cope with drugs, but I have had to deal with parasitic people and codependent girlfriend who only wanted a father figure she could sleep with. I'll spare you further details, except to say she tried to be as much of a latch as Leigh.
This reminded me so much of my ex-gf that I missed the metaphor. Ironically, my former leech turned to crystal meth after I gave her the get lost and now lives in a group home, where she still seeks to latch onto people. She tries to be a living drug addiction, you might say. I gave you a 10/10 and a 5/5 because your game was this girl to a T. Also it made me hit the nail on the head; my ex is her own drug and her own pusher (how pathetic is that?).

The independent storyline is my favorite. The other two endingsa made me apprecieate it all the more. Three years I gave this girl, and now I ask myself ...why?? ...well, at least it wasn't four, or worse: more...

'Nuff ranting my life story here. Sorry I couldn't give you higher ratings, this work truly deserves them!!!


I'm in a situation somewhat similar to this. I don't know what to do. Seeing the path that was in this game, will it be something similar if I were to do the same? This game really got to me. It scares me, it seems as if I just played my future that is yet to come...