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Reviews for "Super Smash"

I have way too many problems with this.....

Lack of SFX
Why is Luigi a pale elf?
Mario is and will always be Italian, not a fukkin latino,and don't say it's not suggested, skin pigment and peach fuzz mustache.
Looks a lot like the Jay and Silent Bob cartoon. Like copyright infringement a lot.
Kay so they don't like peach. Why the hell bother fighting the damn turtle monster when thats all he wants.
A wrench.... a wrench.... a fukkin wrench. Play the fukkin game. THERE IS NO WRENCH.
DBZ went out style years ago. It's Booooooooooooooring.
I've seen better gradient and tween use in Spam.


... well, that was just stupid. Only good thing, was that it had half decent animations. But it just felt like a dull cliché fighting video of Newgrounds, but with Mario and Luigi stolen for a change. Not creative on my records, anyway.

this aint bad!

if you are relatively new to flash, you should give yourself a pat in the back! this was a phenomenal first attempt

ya it kinda sucks that you didnt add a preloader (considering there are tons of them for free download here in newgrounds) specially when you were going to show off a short you worked on so hard, like this one. It is also kinda dissapointing that you didnt put credits or, well you know, nice stuff to complement the movie

still, it wouldnt be fair to take points off on behalf of that,Judging from this movie I believe that you are a very skilled artist, and it wouldnt be fair to judge your movie based on your technical knowledge of flash, rather than in your current habilities as an artist/ animator.

that being said

I will just say it, i fucking hate "epic fight" flash videos, why? because most of them are crappy, overdone, generic, and because people who make them often believe that adding a fucking million inbetweens will magically fix bad animation.
I dont know how frequently you watch these kind of videos on the internet but if you take a good look you will notice that most of them suck for similar reasons

what makes your epic mario fight stand out from that really horrible pile, is that you actually know how to draw,animate, and know a thing or two about composition.
Oh and you have a pretty solid drawing, even if a line or two feel a bit dizzy every now and then (bowzers body/hands at the beginning= good example of this)

Your animation in this was often very fluid , and you have a pretty good character body consistency, wich is a very good thing. But I must say, you often just tweened and disorted the shape of a simbol, and it looked just bad. Its hard to explain but I asume you probably know what im talking about. You did it most of the time every time a character ended his punch/attack. More inbetweens would have fit better imo.

This video has a pretty odd framerate problem, I downloaded this swf (for viewing reasons only, I promise!) because there was no preloader and my internet is not very good, and even by playing the swf in my comp, it lagged horribly every now and then. This could probably be due to a lot of tweens/HUGE image filezises (be sure to learn a trick or two about image compression/optimization for your next flash, thats most probably where this problem is coming from)

Other thing that I noticed was that the backgrounds were, appart from not made in flash, very detailed and varied, wich is very good. No complaints there.

I liked your character designs, cartoony looking stuff, I LOVED your luigi, WAY better than shitty anime that is often seen around these parts.

In a nutshell, there were actually a lot of things that I didnt like about this flash, but there were probably a lot more goods than bads and im pretty sure YOU will get really good in no time.

Also about the rating, well originally, I was going to give this an 8, but if I had, this review would have got lost into the great sea of useless positive reviews.

I hope you stick around and make some good flashes, The talent is there and you have already showed everyone what youre capable of, im pretty sure you would probably kick major butt as a traditional animator, just get a bit more down n dirty with this little piggy named flash, and keep it up!


Alright,it just sucks.The image ruins the whole intire video.And Luigi smokes?It should be Toad that smokes because the look.Where did this guy learn to draw?And why,just why would Mario throw Peach(She looks like she is drunk)I want the responce ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
