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Reviews for "Babies Dream of Dead Worlds"

You did it again!!

Gregory you are a genious!! First "I wish I were the moon" that was fun and original then "The majesty of colors" which was amazing in the storyline and fun and original and now this, with a great story and an interesting idea that makes you think !! LOVED IT

GregoryWeir responds:

I should mention that "I wish I were the Moon" is by Daniel Benmergui, not me. Still an amazing game, though.

Very Deep.

It is clear that most of the other reviews are by 12 year-olds that don't understand what this game is saying... Or maybe just fools.

This was a very deep idea and I like how you brought it out. The mood was created well.

I am not the biggest fan of 'flixel' style, but I saw through all that for the message. This game is a work of art and I appreciate what you did here.


I must say.

"Disgusting pretentious garbage masquerading as art. You should be ashamed of yourself for creating this abomination." that's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever read on Newgrounds, and that's saying something.

There is nothing pretentious about this it's trying to interesting and dreamlike and does that very well. Just because it deals with abstraction doesn't make it pretentious, and calling it that makes one sound like a shallow 13 year old asshole.

I will agree I am surprised to see this on the front page, lets face it most the games there are usually retarded but wrapped in a superficial pretty package.

This is the opposite in my opinion, it's very creative and intelligent but personally I don't like the pixel art-style, given the subject matter I think this could have been much more visually impressive.

That being said the strong points of the game vastly outweigh its appearance. I love the world you've created here, and the unique gravity system does wonders for making a surreal an innovative experience. Using the multiple characters for the various 'game types' was quite creative as well, but I must say it's the dialogue that makes this game what it is. I had way more fun in the levels were all you do is talk to people (or whatever they are) then in the rest of the game. The society you've made feels so authentic and combined with the music wonderfully creates a world I want to spend time in.

It's not fast and it's not action oriented but unlike dipshit down there I realize those aren't faults. This doesn't fail to be an action game any more then Space Invaders fails to be an intellectual journey. It does what it tries to do and does it very well. The characters all feel interesting and likable, despite not even knowing what they even really are I feel a connection with them, and much of the way they speak reminds me of great games like Earthbound which were full of fascinating characters.

You are an excellent writer, and that does much to make this game stand out.

I realize the audience here isn't likely to be most accommodating for this type of work, but all I can say is not all opinions are worth acknowledging.

Take criticisms when it is legitimately given to you but ignore all the hate and simple minded bashing from people who were never going to get it anyway and don't let it discourage you. Your target audience isn't as large as many other games might be but keep true to yourself and to the people who will really enjoy this type of thing. A game like this only comes along once in a great deal of time, and those who appreciate creativity and thought will be grateful for it.

I gave it a 10 but that's not to say it's perfect, there a some areas that could use improvement such as the difficulty on the later collection levels or the over all artstyle, however this game vastly exceeded my expectations of what I normally see on this portal.

Keep at it, you have much to be proud of here. You and I both know this is far from "hollow praise," so who gives a shit what all the Registar's of the world believe. ;)

Amazing idea...

This game reminds me of stories like Flatland and certain sci-fi writers, where, instead of making the aliens look human to evoke sympathy, they conceive of a world so vastly different from our own as to be practically unrecognizable, and yet the creatures inhabiting those worlds seem so familiar and human nonetheless. Although I didn't particularly enjoy the gameplay, as it seems more 'experimental' then thought-out (although it's cool that you included a character story for three different types of gamers - action-lovers, story-lovers, and collectors/explorers) the story of strange-looking floating tentacle-y things with dorsal-ventral symmetry living in this topsy-turvy, bi-gravitational world going about their normal, everyday lives seems like it could be the setting for an expanded story.

Great game, sad ending

This game was pretty challenging especially when trying to get Gold Stars for Fuzor's and Naaij's Stages.

Graphics-wise, I still own an Atari 2600 so the more retro the better.

For those who don't get the story, be sure to read the intro the appears before the Stage Select appears. For the rest of the story, pay attention to what the others say when you talk to them in Mel's Stages.

If you do, you'll understand why the ending is pretty saddening and why it makes all your avhievements feel uneeded.
